ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 22)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

In episode 20 Adam decided to try a little life experiment and he made a decision that was completely out of his character. This one decision has now sparked a chain of events that will be transformative and will align Adam with his true destiny, his true purpose for living.

In yesterday's episode Adam learned some of the intimate details about Project Phoenix and discovered he would very soon have a chance to make history.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy today’s episode of Alarm Clock Dawn!

Did you miss Episode 21 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to catch up.

Are you new to Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to start at the beginning.

They entered the train car. It was far more modern than any Adam had ever seen.

“Take a seat,” Mr. Busby ordered. “This train moves faster than you might expect.” Mr. Busby sat on the form-fitting seats designed for one purpose—to keep the rider from spilling out onto the floor.

This was all happening so quickly. Adam took the seat right beside Mr. Busby and braced himself as the forward motion pulled him forcefully back. He felt butterflies in his stomach as the tunnel lights began to blur together in a continuous line as the subway car took off at an amazing rate of speed, easily four times the speed of the public subway.

Adam began to wonder what he had gotten himself into as he watched a suspicious grin and then a look of concern form on Mr. Busby’s face as he pecked away messages on his Holo. This piqued Adam’s curiosity enough to make him want to eavesdrop and from the corner of his eye he glanced at the screen hoping Mr. Busby wouldn’t notice.

Busby - Director, we are en route to the craft. Mr. Harkin is fully compliant. The jump will occur in 15-20 minutes. Will provide an update after the jump is made.

Pfizer - Change in plans. The jump will be twenty years, not five. This will increase our odds. Remember, we need to wow our shareholders and bring something back truly remarkable.

Busby – Yes, Sir, all the necessary changes will be made.

The subway car slowed to a stop as they entered into cavernous open space. The walls were beige, rough stone and the space looked as though it was carved from the inside of a mountain. If Adam had to guess, the ceiling soared hundreds of feet high. This space had few lights but had a very large glass roof to filter in natural sunlight. The space was filled wall to wall, top to bottom, with miles of wires, humming machinery, and blinking lights.

“You are one of a very few people who have had the privilege of seeing this. Welcome to the epicenter of Project Phoenix and the future of XenTek, Mr. Harkin.” Busby exited the car and motioned for Adam to join him. Busby rushed toward a large, silver metal craft that resembled a beach ball that had been compressed at the top and bottom. As Busby touched the metal, a beep rang out and a hatch door opened fluidly to reveal a team of scientists in white lab coats and jump suits busy at work.

“This is it, Mr. Harkin. This is where you and the team will earn your spot in the history books. Everyone,” Busby said, addressing the small and intense team of scientists feverishly pecking away at their holographic work stations in the dimly lit cabin, “this is Adam Harkin.” One of them glanced up briefly and nodded his head.

“Dr. Neiman, status, please,” Mr. Busby asked.

“We'll be ready when you are, Mr. Busby,” said a bald and impish looking man with glasses so thick they made his eyes look unnaturally small. “We're just making a few final calibrations. The first jump will be exactly five years to the day. As we discussed previously, we felt it best to deposit the team just a few days after our annual new product rollout. There will still be a huge buzz and the team will have a greater chance at finding the target.”

“Fine job, as usual, Neiman, but there has been a change in plans. The director has just given orders to jump to twenty years. Make the necessary adjustments.”

Neiman widened his beady eyes, but after a short pause nodded to his team. “I think we can do that. All it takes is a minor adjustment.”

Busby rested his hands on Adam's shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. “Son, this is your assignment. It's simple but of the highest importance, so please listen to me very carefully. Once the jump has been made, you are to stay with the craft while the other team members leave the ship to carry out their mission.”

Mr. Busby led Adam by the arm towards a group of video monitors as he continued. “Each member of the team will have helmet cams, and you'll see their video feed on this bank of monitors. You are to speak into this microphone and give them direction as to what would be the most valuable items to bring back. When they leave the craft, you are to close the hatch and let no one, and I mean no one, in until you see one or more of the team members give you this signal in this video monitor.” Busby blinked his eyes rapidly three times.

“If you don't see this signal, you are to power up the craft immediately and return without them. Got it?”

“Three blinks.” Adam repeated, his chest heaved rapidly up and down.

“This mission could take five minutes or two hours.” Busby continued. “Listen closely, this part is very important.” He pointed at a lone switch on the control console. “For the return trip, you must flip this switch, wait at least five seconds and then press this red button. That will bring you home. It's as simple as that. The most important thing is that you wait at least five whole seconds before pressing that button or else the machine won't have amassed enough power to bring you back and you’ll need to wait hours before the machine will be recharged. Now, repeat it to me.”

Adam nodded and tried to swallow, but his throat was too dry. He hated to even imagine what would happen if the mission were to fail. “I f-f-flip this switch, wait five-seconds, then push this red button.”

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter. My newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates on the release of the sequel and other special offers.

If you’re enjoying this serialized version of my debut novel the best compliment you can give is to share this story with others, either face-to-face or online. I appreciate all of your continued support!


The novel is written very well.
I like it very much。
Keep on keeping.

Going with such good flow. Reading on.

Thank you! It's been challenging to pick points in the plot to end each episode.

I can understand that totally

So Cool
Keep Steemin
Good Read!

Hi @ericvancewalton
This is definitely something I would love to do
Time travel

Heck yeah! Virtual reality will allow us to immerse ourselves in a reproduction of past events and perceived future ones. That's coming soon.

@ericvancewalton I misspelled your login Im sorry... my comment is somewhere close to this one :)

coooooooooool novel ..........

How am i supposed to ever get caught up on top of doing my writing if you keep posting? Lol! keep up the good work man, very inspiring stuff!

Funny @ltm! Thank you!

thanks for update :)

You're welcome! I appreciate you coming back every day!

Too much @ericvanwalton !! I cannot keep up!!!! :)
If you have a mo please check my channel for my memoir, Im very proud of part 1 ;)

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