The creation of music - From emotion to music

in #music8 years ago (edited)

To feel the music you created is giving birth to an idea and mold it with your life,
to hold it gives you a mysterious feeling of accomplishment.

Hello Steemit, I'm back with a new experience, a new journey I finished sharpened my insight into the creation of music which I would like to share with you.

A year ago I heard a song that penetrated directly into my heart, a Macedonian native melody in the interpretation of Miroslav Tadić. The feeling of amazement left me speechless, an irregular measure with so much emotion and wilderness, but in the same time perfectly tamed with Tadić's tehniques.
The feeling that followed was envy.
Let's be honest when we see someone overachieve us with ease we feel envious, the only thing in question is how you will use that feeling, will you focus it inwardly and let it poison your heart or will you focus it on the outside world and use it to better yourself. The choice is seems clear but the path to bettering yourself is a path of many obstacles.

The start was enigmatic, to decode the great Miroslav Tadić is no easy task.
I started by listening to the song many times, trying to capture his little tricks. The next step was imitation, only after managing to imitate the creator are you allowed to change his creation. In a few days I was able to play the theme.

Now came the time to give myself into the composition.
Miroslav has a lot of improvisation in this composition. It would be a shame if I would copy him in his improvisations so I had to follow my inner music. Improvisation is a method of playing in which you play music directly from your mind, without having a form. You gain fluidity of melody, like nature has inhabited your music. So many possibilities, each of them unique and magical, you only have to learn not to lose yourself in them. This is a period that can last your whole life, you can improvise on any theme in innumerable ways so you can literally go with it to your final station.

The following part is form. Even Miroslav, I guess, practices the form of his improvisations for his concerts. It's one thing when you're playing in your room, another when you play in front of a massive live audience. You have to present your music the best you can. It's like dressing up for a special event, your wardrobe is large but you have to pick one suit and stick to it. I was playing and searching for the best melody sequels to decorate my improvisation. After improvising with those melodies I found the way I wanted to express myself in this song.

The following was practice, practice and some more practice.
When I was happy with the way it sounded I formed a team to film it and deliver you this piece of art.

It is funny how a felling such as envy can make you become a better person. The point I'm trying to make besides how to make music is: Use your feeling or they will use you!

Every feeling you have is a call to an adventure, to achieve something, it is up to you find what that is and how to achieve it.

Thank you for reading, see you soon !


I am glad. :)
Thank you for your reply.

Very good story, Would you like to join us at Open Mic Night on Steemit?

I would love to but I have a lot of work this week.
Maybe some other time. Thank you for your feedback.

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