How to set out on a spiritual journey

in #mindfulness8 years ago

My answer is with the first step, like you would on every other journey. Wherever you go, you must make the first step. Same applies to spiritual journey. Universal receipt does not exist.

My first step were the books I was reading intensively. And in every I found something that raised my awareness. It is not shameful to want to learn something. The wisest ones are learning their whole life. Invest in yourself and your knowledge. How will you meditate if you did not inform about it? How will you affirm if you do not know what are affirmations?

My advice is following: Always first educate about what you will do. Today there is a large number of spiritual teachers, aware people. We are living in a spiritual era, in which a large number of people who perceived certain things are willing to share it with all the others. Find them, attract them. "When disciple is ready, master shows up."

So, how to start? Listen to yourself, listen to your instinct when you are trying to choose a book you will read or a spiritual teacher you will listen. Some of the books that I have around the house, I still haven't read because they did not match my inner feeling. While I read some up to ten times. Listen and follow yourself. You know better than anyone else what and how to do.

Paulo Coelho is one of the first authors whose books I read on the beginning of my spiritual path. He is an extraordinary teacher, who wakes people through interesting stories in such a simple and potable manner. A book called Veronica decides to die I will never forget. That book pushed me on the way of realizing what are our thoughts and prejudices towards other people. Book ending is fantastic, leaving you in silence in such a powerful way, that even after completing the book, you will think about life for days. Luckily, today we have plenty of wonderful books, and also teachers. Some of them are: Neal Donald Walsh, Bob Proctor, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle etc.

We also have YouTube available, which is filled with motivational and inspirational videos. Don't get confused by numerous teachers. You can learn something from each of them. But still you learn the most listening to yourself because all of the answers are in you. All of the teachers serve only to remind you and give you guidelines. You don't even have to agree with their teachings. Disagreeing is excellent because it encourages you to think. There is no right or wrong way. If the people are not on your way, it does not mean that they are on the wrong one.

Everything that brings you peace, joy and fulfillment is a good path for you. Dedicate more time to teachers that your soul recognizes as truth. Follow those teachers and listen to their voice. Don't blindly catch up to others. Don't be dependent on no one, because it is not good. Every dependency, on anything or anyone, is not good.

Follow the ones you choose by yourself. And know that they all are right. They all live what they believe and what they teach others, as they create reality using faith. I am also not fond of all the teachers. But it does not mean that they did not "wake" millions of people. If they do not suit me, it does not mean they will not be appropriate for you. Therefore, there is no true teachers and there is no wrong teachers. Rely on your instinct and spirit. No one knows better than you what is best for you. But to achieve this level of awareness, it is necessary to work on yourself.

Know that spirituality is not a goal. Spirituality is a neverending journey. Awareness will increase everyday. You are now on a certain level of consciousness, and you can not even imagine where is it possible to go.

Enjoy your spiritual journey. It is the most important and most beautiful journey you have departed on...

For more awesome images check this guy: Psychedelic Maniac

Thank you for reading.


What drew me to read this article - not the title, but the opening picture- something resonated in me - make your own path/road. Your article is interesting and would agree that I must read around the subject more as I have recently started to look at the world in a more spiritual way. Trying to recognise what 'i am listening too inside' is developing and changing daily and i now realise that this is a 'work in progress' . Thanks for the article, may not have read it with out that picture, so glad I did. ( now on my follow list so as to read more!)

Great article!
I totally agree that all the information is out there and anything is possible.
Yet as with everything its about taking a first step. One should not expect to become spiritual or enlightened just by wanting it or instantaneously. It is a process of which cannot begin until one begins.
To me spiritually is of the utmost importance, as without it, real purpose and value to life is lacking.
Another point of great importance is that spirituality is relative and ever changing. Meaning many could be on spiritual paths and disagree, have alternate experiences and be at a different point in the journey.
Part of enlightenment is knowing this and accepting it as part of the infinite spectrum.
Anyone who judges someone else or tries to change them is not very spiritually aware. Yet this does not mean one cannot offer perspective and help people on their spiritual path.
You chose some great photos BTW.

Thank you for sharing some of your wisdom.
You seem to be in the moment.

That I am!
The most powerful place to be is here now∞§∞

I prefer my spirits neat.

"Is that vodka?" Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. "Excuse me, your majesty," he squeaked, "do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!" Margarita smiled and tried to push away the glass. "Drink it up," said Woland and Margarita at once picked up the glass.

In the USA the word vodka is a legal term as used by the Burro of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (don't ask). Which means alcohol and water....thazit. We have something called EverClear which is 180+ proof. (the onliest water it has init is what it sucked out of the air)

The term, however , has been degraded. No matter what the revenuers want.
Tito's handmade vodka for example. Distilled right here in Texas.

Kind of off-topic, but currently I prefer pure vodka over any whiskey. And when I was much younger I tasted a lot of home made vodkas out there, some up to 70-80% of spirit in it.

Thanks to @eneismijmich for this inspirational post. Never read Paulo Coelho, but really should by now ;D

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