The Future Is NOW: Your Brain Is NO LONGER Yours!

in #ai7 years ago (edited)

The 'Cyborg Society' aiming at a Brave New World entirely made for cyborgs has just made another leap forward. 

Scientists remotely hacked a brain, controlling body movements

August 18th, 2017 at 11:05 PM Imagine someone remotely controlling your brain, forcing your body’s  central processing organ to send messages to your muscles that you  didn’t authorize. It’s an incredibly scary thought, but scientists have  managed to accomplish this science fiction nightmare for real, albeit on  a much small scale, and they were even able to prompt their test  subject to run, freeze in place, or even completely lose control over  their limbs. Thankfully, the research will be used for good rather than  evil… for now. ......  Despite only being tested on mice, the research could have far-reaching  implications in the realm of brain research. The holy grail for dreamers  like Elon Musk is that we’ll one day be able to tweak our brains to  eliminate mood disorders and make us more perfect creatures. This  groundbreaking research could very well be an important step towards  that future.  FULL ARTICLE:

We Are Being Modified For The Smart Grid, Transgendered Trend Has Increased By 4 to 6 Folds , Quantum Computers, and more


EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT:  PMs cannot be monetized because they have  MEDICAL properties...  the science of healing cannot suffer profit seeking

Silicon Valley’s ambitious new bet: Brain ‘modems’ that restore sight, hearing, and speech

August 17, 2017   SAN  JOSE, Calif. — In a warehouse district here, a few young engineers  fueled by ramen and energy bars are inventing the future of mind  reading.Paradromics  has big ambitions: It wants to squeeze a device the size of a mobile  phone into a chip small enough to insert into a human brain, where it  would “read” nerve signals and replace senses and abilities lost due to  injury or diseases. ........   Brain modems:  Over  the last few years, companies and academic labs have created tools —  usually external headsets or electrodes that collect signals from a few  neurons — to help people with disabilities use thoughts to type or  control prosthetic limbs, or to enhance immersive virtual-reality games. DARPA’s $65 million brain-machine interface program, announced  in July, underwrites Paradromics and five other projects to develop  devices that communicate with 1 million neurons — still a fraction of  the billions in the brain — in an effort to advance the field  dramatically.Angle said he hopes to create “a modem for the brain.”“More  data is better,” he said, describing plans for a brain implant that  would move signals from neurons wirelessly through the skull to a  decoder. The implant — comprising four chips, each 1 centimeter square  and 1 millimeter thick — would have 200,000 gold wires in all, each of  which can detect signals from up to five neurons. ... MORE

Elon Musk wants to put a computer in your brain - New York Post -- Mar 27, 2017  


Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter |  The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity |  The AI Paradox: Cyborgs - The Next Billion Dollar Industry... Financed By Cryptocyrrencies? | Strong  AI, Micro Wave technology And High Health Risks of 5G


Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth  Custodians call    for   the adoption of a different  way of  thinking  to promote  conflict   resolutions. Different but not new, because  such  concepts  were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys  to grasp  the   unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power   structures,  and  as how to  overcome them as well. Mainstream  Psychology is on its   death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way ahead  of the curve, and if  it takes one generation for a money-free society  to take shape, that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action, and  using money to spread  the word until a critical mass (20% of  population) is reached. 
Earth Custodians do not reject the idea of longer life  spans   achieved with the  mastery of  light/electricity/sonoluminescence and  vibration, any  Living Geometry  and Epigenetics driven sciences. Etc.  Yes it is possible  to put  megacomputers to work for those who choose to  remain humans,  live for  the betterment of Humanity and are guided by  the metaphysics of  Light  --  

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about the AI topic,  and keep doing your home work, find out for yourself. The   truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that there only is ONE   AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs ignorance, and which   translates in many flavors and fashions   

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting!!    


Oh the horror! Deaf can hear, crippled can walk, blind can see...when will it all end?

you make me smile, US poured up to 15 billion into AI weaponry instead of helping its have nots last year, but yeah, the blind, deaf will get a better attention

The holy grail for dreamers like Elon Musk is that we’ll one day be able to tweak our brains to eliminate mood disorders and make us more perfect creatures.

Of course you do not see any dangers here too... such an article always gives hints at the upcoming electronic prison when we are all chipped. Dissenters will get such a treatment

you should spend more time to educate yourself about the topic, here is a start... this data is all over the net
Truth and Virtual Life

Britain will not support pre-emptive ban on 'killer robots', MoD says after experts urge UN to act

So far, so good.

You remind me of some fundamentalist Christian friends...end of the world, end of the world, right around the corner....end of the world!

sure, so far so good an ostrich keeping its head into the sand? This data is ALL over. At the pace govs are gearing up for an AI war and social repression, brain ‘modems’ that restore sight, hearing, and speech will not be for humans but cyborgs, all the scientific research conveys this

there is a huge difference between the fundamentalism (blind faith) with rational thinking (based on knowing). I think world religions are part of the problem, as much as scientific atheism. Divide and rule at its finest.

Yea yea, my friend was predicting that the end of the world was gonna happen in 20 years, not 7 like you do. So that was over 40 years ago. And wow look, the earth is still here! He called me an ostrich too, and I laughed at him like I am laughing at you, I only get to laugh at you for 7 years though, and not 20. :-(

Well, 6 years and 10 months now...time flies, doesn't it?

7 years or so to really have the tranhumanism, robotics/automation agenda RIGHT in our faces and then we'll not be able to go backward, because it will be too late. This is what I have stated.

Watch the video above with the thumbnail of the android holding a human skull, if you dare. I dare you :) And the one below after that.

You are UNeducated about the topic

Too smart for our own good.

I think it was in Harvard University that they had success controlling rat movements as well... indeed, the potential is terrifying. This is something we must not play politics with, but rather stand firmly by the sides of those educated enough to proccess the warning signs.
It's a shame that the slightest smidge of ill-intent has the potential to bring this beautiful progression tumbling down.
I stand with logic and reason... Do you?

Right I heard about this experiment on rats quite a while ago. I agree, this is the problem with knowledge. The more one knows the more one must live with the Truth because the potential for self-destruction is exponential. Tribal people can kill each mutually forever, they will never destroy earth. It is obvious that they are gearing up for Homo Nexus. I have been following transhumanism for 20 years now.

here is a good one, talking or rats, here is something with pigeons, you will not waste your time watching it. Promise.

Man, as the film progressed, I found myself less and less different from the pigeons at the start... thank you for sharing that with me. What is Homo Nexus - care to enlighten me?

They seriously have functions with certain variables and conditions to apply for behavior modification... come on, let us live!!!!

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