* Who is the real friend? * . _ * CONTINUE * _

in #all6 years ago

Do you have many friends ..? Many friends ..? How many friends do you have ..?

5 people ..?
20 people ..?
Or 100 people ..?
Or maybe 1000 people ..?

👉Saudaraku, as much as any friends you have or who you are familiar but IF:

💎 Nothing
take you in

💎 Nothing
invite as well
remind you
"hijrah" towards yang

💎 Nothing
invite you to know
the sunna-sunnah of the Prophet
shollalloohu alaihi

💎 Nothing
take you off
to review for
studying religion.

💎 Nothing
remind you or
admonish you for

💎 Not taking you always
remember to Allah swt.

If so, then your friendship is a false friendship. Because a real friend is a friend who always * reminds you and invites you * to be a pious person and close to Allah ta'ala.

All friendships that are not based on the desire to remind each other of Allah will be futile and even ultimately will be hostility on the Day of Resurrection!

🌹Alloh swt said:

  • الاخلاء يومئذ بعضهم لبعض عدو الا المتقين *

"The intimate friends of that day (the apocalypse) are partly enemies to Others, save the cautious." (Q. Az-Zukhruf 67)

Ibnu Katsir rohimahulloh said:
"That every friendship that is based on love because besides Allah, then on the Day of Judgment will come back in a state of mutual enmity, unless the friendship is based on love for Allah, this is eternal forever." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).

  • Friendship that will last until the Day of Resurrection is a friendship in which there is mutual advising, reminding each other in piety and mutual invite back to the way of Allah *

And that is a friendship that will never be a loss in it

🌹 Alloh swt said:

  • والعصر (1) ان الانسان لفي خسر (2) الا الذين امنوا و عملوا الصلحت وتواصوا بالحق وتواصوا بالصبر (3) *

"(1) For the sake of time, (2) Truly men are in a disadvantage, (3) Except those who believe and do good deeds and counseling exhorted to observe truth and counseling to admonish patience." (Q. Al-'Asr 1-3)

Brother, let us immediately improve our friendship environment, look for a good environment (the sholih and sholihah) ..

👉 That always is
remind you and
exhorting each other
on the road Alloh ..

👉 Who dare to rebuke you
if you are wrong ..

👉 The brave
invites you to
study religion ..

👉 The bold 'tag' contains
those posts
useful for your religion ..

👉 Even those who dare to share
about warnings
which is good for
take you back
sword Alloh swt ..

👉 And who is not bored
admonish you forever
improve yourself for better ..

  • A little friendship but cares for your hereafter is much better than a lot of friendship but no one cares for your afterlife *

Imam Shafi'i said:
"If you have friends (who always help you in obedience to Allah) then hold on tightly to him, do not you ever let him go. Because looking for 'good friends' is hard, but releasing it is very easy. "

My brother be careful to find friends if you want syafa'at from friends later on the Day of Judgment .. keep it nice * * _ 💎💎💎

Post by@chanladen


Good wishes @chanladen,
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Sangat inspiratif. ..lanjut kan

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