
I love your raw honesty. It's makes you a dynamic writer. People that have interesting stories don't need to worry about being "bloggers." This community is far more worried about content instead of grammatical correctness.

I believe your stories are more than worth sharing and I hope that you not only continue to share your stories, but maybe you could anonymously publish others who have inside information on the drug trade (similar to what @stellabelle has done with #secret-writer ) I'm sure there will be some who wish to share their stories, but fear for safety or job security.

Keep the great stories rolling @barrycooper !

Thanks for the love bendjmiller222! Roll it up and Steemit! lol.

"I was empowered by God and could easily preach an hour from any page of the Bible." Would of say that it would be better with "empowdered by God", lol I loved your post.

hahahaa. thanks for the laugh. That was witty.

Wow! Thanks for sharing and being so transparent with the community...I have a poem written about the addictive nature of using cocaine...Its called "Eniacoc." Its written from the standpoint of the cocaine. You can check it out here Barry:

Thanks for spending your time here @steemit-life. Your poem was nice. I upvoted it. I must express that cocaine is not that addictive. A person must have a lot of trauma and no support to become addicted to cocaine. Opiate addiction can happen rather quickly because opiates create a physical dependency that if not met, will make the addict very sick. It takes a massive amount of cocaine for a person to become addicted. Cocaine is actually a safe drug to use.

Hey thanks a lot for taking the time to upvote, and read it! Yea I never really thought about it that way. But that makes sense! I appreciate your input on that Barry...Okay man looking forward to your next post! Take care-

Very interesting stories you have. Can't help but read the whole thing. Funny how God works in our lives. God bless you, Barry.

It's good to own up to one's own hypocrisy, Man; I've had to do it numerous times myself. Ironically, though, a consistently sound, exegetical reading of the Bible leads to a denouncement of prohibition and of the drug war. It also leads to a rejection of statism in general (e.g., the tyrannical Roman empire was deemed a "beast" in the book of Revelation).

By original design (and not always description), civil governance is severely limited to issues of justice in a biblical worldview, and a high priority is placed on self-government. Though it may be sinful and self-destructive, drug abuse can in no way be considered a civil crime in Christianity. Sin doesn't automatically equal civil crime.

A sound reading of Scripture also leads one to believe that drug use is not inherently sinful. It can be, but not inherently. Individual Christians and churches might say otherwise--and they oftentimes do--but their sentiments aren't morally or exegetically justifiable. And given the doctrine of inspiration (i.e., that God breathed out the words of Scripture, as per 2 Tim. 3:16), Christians are supposed to care about exegesis.

Thanks for you insights @expatlove. I'm not longer a Christian so for me, the only "sin" is to use force other than in self defense. Peace and love to you and thanks for finding interest in my stories.

Based on the number of quotable lines this is your best post ever!
And if it hasn’t been done already someone needs to make a collage of your ever-changing appearance thru the years. I think my favourite is “70s Kopbuster Barry”. You could be a whole line of action figures.

Thanks @lensessions. I'm glad this post was your favorite. It was fun to write. Action figures? More like "crazy figures." haha. Peace and keep following. I appreciate the time you spend here.

Cocaine - evil!


Thank you for the interesting details of your life Barry.

Evil Cocainevil? XD

Exactly :D

A big NO to drugs. I hate drugs. Here in the Philippines, people will used that will kill by our police. Our President hated people who are using that.

That's a horrible policy. Killing someone because they chose a life style. Faschistic I would say.

The war on drugs is a war on people, not on drugs.

He doesn't understand, don't bother he's brainwashed.

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