in #all7 years ago


There was a time when we loved what we did, never thought of it as work, couldn't wait to get started. There was a time when we were madly in love with our spouse, could spend every minute chatting with them, couldn't get enough of them.

How come now work's become drudgery, our relationship has become mechanical or a state of war? Where did all the fun go?

It's right there just buried under the pressure of expectations, anxiety about results. Routine has taken the place of romance.

But we have the option of bringing fun back into our lives. Let's just go deep inside and remember what we loved about the work we chose and just go back to that. Let's get back to doing for the fun of it, let's forget about results - they aren't in our control anyway, so why angst.

Similarly let's remember what made our relationship so much fun, all the madness the two of us used to get up to. Let's recapture the spirit - sure the same antics may not work or maybe they will. Let's find new lunacies to lose ourselves in. Let's chuck the scorecard of who did or didn't.

Let's fall in love, all over again, with what we do, with whom we're with, with ourselves and our life.


I agree with your post. We all get so wrapped up in our stresses and day to day tasks that we forget to see the beauty around us. We forget to breath, to feel and to love. We need to stop and smell the roses and become real again. Have a nice day with love!

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