Time travel is not possible...

in #aliens7 years ago (edited)

...At least not in a way we think of it.

I am fascinated with time since my early childhood, I remember asking my mother "what time is it?" She always pointed toward the clock saying "read it yourself" during such moments I used to wonder if time is clock or it's arms, maybe it is the Roman numbers printed on the dial? After many many years with such reasoning I developed a better understanding on time(just like everybody else).


"Time is money some said stop wandering and get your sh*t together and stop wasting it or you gonna regret" well it was all nice to hear such motivational speeches and whatnot but that wasn't the answers I was looking for, those answers were nothing different than making a clock and pointing toward it to know time.
Of course we need that reference to function but then again it made me even more curious about the whole concept. To be honest I still don't understand much about time(don't get all cocky, I bet neither do you :-| ).

With that notion in mind, back to the main topic. As per our current understanding on time, it is nothing but a log of events, micro and macro(I will keep just two categories for the sake of simplicity but there can be more such categories). Micro events such as movement of dust particles suspended in the air and whatnot. Macro events such as collisions of galaxies, etc.

Since, time is just a log of such events that means it doesn't have any mechanism to store all the states of the events, to travel back to some specific events in time, we must have all the events preserved(recorded in one way or other), we need much bigger container than our world(known and unknown space, all the Universe), in order to contain and preserve it all (now you see what I mean?), but if our world is the container and recorder itself then we need a much bigger player to rewind and replay the events that has already happened.

That's not all, if we somehow get a handle on this situation, and somehow successfully rewind the world to previous events, this doesn't explain about the actual current state of Universe (what will happen to it?) that means we will break the time if we figured a way out to travel in time, Now how to fix broken time?(when we don't even understand what time is :O) I don't think that's happening ever!


Please upvote resteem and follow me @kissofearth
Note:This is a repost of my own original work as a part of personal experiment, so bots please stay away, thanks :)

Thank You!


We time travel constantly in our mind

We do but then again we wake up and find ourselves sitting on a couch lol.

It doesn't break the universe. It just creates a second log. A new blockchain.

Who knows... Maybe all the logs are stored in an other dimension?

Or maybe time is a chain of dimensions and we are currently walking forward, but maybe we can go backward too?

Just 2 of my possible theories :)

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