Fun chat about greys ets & similar stufff

in #alien6 years ago

You both like furry.

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: i met a grey alien once

You: no1 believes me tho

Stranger: tell me your experience

You: uhhh was at night

You: i was just walking down my driveway

You: and he like just walked towards me seemingly appearing out of the darkness of the night

You: kinda almost out of nowhere or like he was the darkness itself ?

Stranger: well.. i believe you!

You: o

You: thats fancy

You: i know it happend yet i feel like im insane

You: it makes me want to cry

Stranger: dont feel insane. did it do anything to you?

You: nah

You: i just assumed he was over a unfriendly nature

You: so i geastured and telepathicly said to please go and leave

You: so he did

You: but i learned alot mroe about there collective sense then

You: so i feel i actually have more in common with them then i thought

You: and they are far more varried and intersting then i though

You: threw this utuber who channeled 1

You: in a q and a session

You: for about 53 minutes

Stranger: ah, well no matter what, i still believe you

You: its funny i feel comforatlbe saying this here

You: but in person i am afraid to

You: ive tried to bring this up but ppl havent reacted well so far

You: ive done it abit though just for shits and giggles

You: but its at the same time very annnoying because i know in my heart everything exists

You: how are u

Stranger: im good

You: i love the kids area of large stores

You: adults i feel should be more playful

You: not so much of this borg sillyness

Stranger: ah

You: was very fasinating what the grey who was channeled also said

You: cause he confirmed for me that we do actually have bases in many locations threwought our entire solar system already

You: does any of this interest u?

You: or am i being annoying

Stranger: your not being annoying

You: o

You: well we can video chat

You: if u want

You: would u want to try speaking to a interstellar society being threw me sometime perhaps? or know some1 who would?

Stranger: maybe

You: :O

You: o

You: wat he said about the orion reptilian empire was fasinating

You: because of how they act there collective is in a sense in a perptual heartbreak like feeling although they generally have shune emotion

You: as the grey have also

You: prolly sounds like nonsense to u

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