Time Phone Hack : 2012 Interview with an Alien "XX" Research

in #alien6 years ago (edited)

Interview took place somewhere before Dec 12th 2012 in an underground secure location. The alien only wants to be known as "XX". Here is what took place ...
Interviewer: Who are you exactly and what are you doing here?
(Alien) XX: I'm the master of stealth and that ends all wars, a self claimed profit who knows the future. I harness the powers of dark energy and that of dark matter. I come from a long lost tribe of rebel Annunaki’s the from the planet Nibiru. My parents decided that I needed to be a hybrid type on earth so that I could blend in very easy so they found a good family with a “holy royal bloodline” which is the only blood capable of hybridizing due to old hybrid experiment’s. The frozen DNA was sent to earth in a ship that crashed landed somewhere in the Nevada desert 50 years ago, but the crash was so intense it ripped a hole threw space-time and got thrown 50 years into the future and here I am to save the world. You will know about the stuff later at an unknown time and undisclosed location in 2018.
Interviewer: What do you know about Time Travel?
(Alien) XX: Well all good theories makes no sense at first. Who says were limited to the speed of light? I believe neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light and is the only acceptable way to build a time machine, collecting them would most likely be the easiest part. Now the hardest part would be getting all of our atoms and partial's in our body down to the size of a neutrino and ride that bad boy threw time (for that part you probably have leave this universe and return to the wavelength size then bend space or use a wormhole to return back to the original universe). If time itself in theory is like the other dimensions that we can observe meaning we can touch and see it, it could be very probable. So if the universe is moving in a strait line and multiple copies of the universe are on this line, then you would have to reverse to the process or speed up to the process. So in quantum physics single atoms can become 2 atoms and rejoin to become one again, so therefor if you could possibly stop them 2 atoms from becoming 1 again you would have successfully stopped time{sort of}. After you do that then you must bend time, kinda like a wormhole and instead of going to another place in the universe in space you would just have to bend time itself - if its indeed on a strait plain and return to the original place or go to a another point. This would probably take up all the energy in 1 single universe to do this so you would need to find a spare universe somehow maybe inside a new wavelength. So that's the end of my theory, sorry I couldn't find a way not using all typical science instead of quantum but at least I tried to explain the best possible way....
Interviewer: Ok, that's interesting, can you tell us some of your research?
(Alien) XX: Sure lets take a look at Subatomic Control with Microscopic Malware. Here we have smaller scale meters than the nano and picometers and so much more to learn in all of these fields so the research is still ongoing. I can only dream of the infinite possibilities if we could only capture and save the energy transfer's from these small particles and using them for submitting and receiving signals and waves on a secure connection in a subatomic level with a self powered nanobot using quantum cryptography. They would want you to believe the worst thing that could happen probably is the rouge- nanobot -self replicating- DNA structure destroying- whole universe Gray Goo theory with these added malicious code's. You would think that until I start talking about chem-trails. Well I throw in the twist in that possibly these silicone, metal based solutions being mixed in our air supply could be the basic's of possibly building of these bots, sort of like storing up supplies everywhere. The other suspicion is why couldn't they put harmful bacteria on these mixtures like let's say the government is friends with all the pharmaceutical companies and lets say they wanna sell a certion drug more, do I need to further explain? I also really wonder if they can attach and build nanotubes to anything when they say bacteria and metal and non metals, are they really not missing a single piece of matter? That could be really good if it is true that you could build onto stuff we don't know much about. I'll go as far as saying all these combined sciences could eventually assist us on the energy issues, new fuels and propulsion techniques, and better robotics if the facts are indeed true that they claim. Especially robots, who wouldn't want little robots checking in on your health and fixing problems before any issues even show up outside. Sounds like a test to see how gullible you are, and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Interviewer: What do you want to do in the future?
(Alien) XX: Make games and teach stuff I'm passionate about much like these crazy things I research.
Interviewer: How long will it take to find aliens?
(Alien) XX: Here is some research on Kepler-22b and how long it would take using latest technology.
To get to Kepler-22b will probably take 200+ years or so to get there using ion propulsion. The odds we find intelligent life on that planet is 1 outta 1000. I have been involved with S.E.T.I. for over a decade the odds that they will actually find anything is slim to none concerting they are only monitoring something like .01% of the universe. To have better odds of finding something would be to step it up ten times to hundred times the scale to .1%-1%. I'm very positive that there is over 10000 different habitable planets and that 10% of them planets do in fact have intelligent life. I have always loved this type of stuff and always tried to keep updated as much as possible. I'm 100% positive every statistic you find about this is 99% wrong so these estimates are 100% my own.
Interviewer: Did god create the Universe?
(Alien) XX: I don't believe god made this universe, that doesn't mean I don't have some sort of faith. Threw some of my own teachings I taught myself to accept that God must of been in a different dimension and created some entity and sent it into this dimension forever for some sort of punishment or unknown reasons. I assume whatever was in this empty dimension got really bored and had infinite time to think and had no resources around. The only logical way to create something outta nothing is to use some sort of intelligence. It had to figured out that it had to use some resources from somewhere else and the only known energy it knew was from the other dimension that it originally came from. The trick was to transfer some energy from one to the other possibly from making the 2 dimensions touch or compressing everything around it and itself into a single atom therefor sacrificing itself either way. I never can accept one way or the other, so I accept both, the 2 dimensions collided then the dimension compressed and now its everything we see and then some. The dimensions will collide again eventually then compress and the whole thing starts again.
Interviewer: What is some of your other research as of lately?
(Alien) XX: This is about Neotame which is an Unwanted poison. If you use these artifical sweets use Warning And Extreme Caution! "There's a new, more potent Aspertame called Neotame now. Apparently in the USA, companies are not even required to mention Neotames presence in foods/drinks. It is between 7,000 and 13,000 times as sweet as sucrose (table sugar)." Mexico does not allow this I found out. Buy local if you can at the farmers markets. This is also being added to the animal foods, it's time to hunt the wildlife. DO NOT STOCK UP ON FOOD THIS WILL IN FACT CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS. The reason they don't have to include this "chemical" in products labels here, the UK and Canada is because its only a "trace" product and it is such a low amount.
Interviewer: So do you have your own theories?
(Alien) XX: I have a new Insight on Reactivity I like to call The New Information Theory. I'm starting to believe all the quantum theories on how every particle has an exact opposite in the universe somewhere, well apparently my ideas add on to the theory it could just be the same particles just with no opposite pole. Don't get too excited, there's still huge hole's in my research I think, and every other astrophysicists finding one equation that explains everything. With every new idea and discovery we keep getting closer and closer and there's a point where we know all information, and it might just be as easy as looking on the skin but of our universe, just as in a black-hole all information goes to the outside of the black-hole as the black-hole gets more information the radius also increases. With the universe always expanding there must always be new information being stored, and when and if it ever reverse's that must mean the information must be getting smaller or somehow compressed but not deleting it all together. Not only that on the big scale we got dark matter to figure out and calculate and connect more things with it and I think I'm even getting closer on that part as well. Here's how I'm starting to build how all things really are connected together below. On the tiny scale we also have missing information in the wave's or strings, we still cant focus on such a small object. We are also missing the information in between the so called empty space between the electrons and nucleus holding it together without it exploding or melting just like how we don't understand dark matter in the big scale and how everything should of boiled away from all the heat and transfer energy still left radiating from the big bang. This is the following for something I'm gonna call "The Information Theory" which I want to be the main relativity theory because I helped improve on a idea that if the same for the Universe happens to an atom, corresponds exactly with black-holes in every way like how the size and skin holds all the information in these "clouds". Now building something that reads all the information on each of the different "skin" scales is difficult, I suggest these patterns by having a formula I created -e=mc2=e=-mc2. Now with more insight on dark matter like for instance and with oppositely charged end particles being a possibility, I could see adding another "dark matter" particle and oppositely charged "dark energy" particle and every other particle known to man. I might have enough evidence we need to be able to build such a formula and I think I proved it.

[Attached Archived Video]


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That is very very cool thanks!!!

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