Aliens: Real, Non-Existant, or Fairy Tales?

in #alien7 years ago (edited)

So, recently I seen a post about US Air Force creating a Space Corp program here on steemit. I can't remember who posted it and I apologize. However, I did google it to find out about the story of the space corps.

Then today I checked yahoo and seen a story about "Anonymous" releasing documents that state NASA is preparing to announce alien life soon .

Is this coincidence or is something really starting to begin? I'll let you decide, I just found it very interesting that these 2 news articles were released around the same time.

image from the story of anonymous leaking information regarding nasa.


Wow, I would be amazed if the Anonymous announcement had any weight behind it. I guess we will have to see how NASA responds.

If intelligent alien life really exists, I think that would change a whole lot of how the world would work. For instance, people might start to come together to achieve a common goal instead of always being in conflict with each other.

As a species, humans are capable of great things but the most progress seems to come during catastrophic disasters such as war, or natural disasters.

If intelligent aliens became a reality, I suppose we might want to work together to try make contact with them and maybe look to the stars for the generations ahead, share / learn our knowledge of the universe with them.

Wowza! Thanks for your upvote @sweetsssj :). I agree humans only work together when it comes down to life or death when it involves people of different culture and lifestyles. It's very unfortunate that we only get that way in times of desperation. Topics/evidence of Aliens have been around for ages. If that is something you are interested in, I could probably dig up some research.

As far as NASA goes, they will deny it. They won't inform the world, much less USA until its too late.

heres a newspaper article about one in the 1800s.

Another point of view, which is one that I gravitate more towards, is that there are a lot of things that the government already knows and simply refuses to reveal to world.

There are many reasons for this of course, one obvious one would be that mutual aid is not the foundation which governments wish to build upon if they wish to retain their control over the populace.

Should people start to realise that we are all enslaved by the endless and pointless chores of surviving in their social construct, and that the way to escape is as simple as working together instead of against each other, by way of mutual aid - in place of by Darwinian philosophy of survival of the fittest, then the government as we know today would no longer retain and wield the power over is which keep us continually chained.

Another example would be that of Pharmaceutical companies and their strategy of producing drugs which relieve but not cure underlying health issues. In reality, this is their absolute preference because a cure would mark the beginning of the end of those relief drugs, and more importantly their long term profitability.

I would not be surprised if in the case that the human species does not come together and realise this sooner, then the Governments of the world would happily forego the survival of future generations in order to bask in further greed in the current. A very selfish yet very human psychology.

I completely agree. We seem like minded in this concept. I'm very well aware of how pharmacorps are only intersted in prolonging life vs finding cures. I've been a diabetic for 18 years, they've profited significantly from me during that course. I've noticed that anytime anyone comes close to a cure, news reports of it seem to vanish or become nonexistent.

Stem cell research was a big deal and on the news everywhere. Suddenly it started to become too effective and the media has become mute over the concept and even outlawed in USA (if i'm not mistaken). I've always wanted to go to one of the few countries abroad to have the stem cell therapy on my pancreas to see if it would reinvigorate my cells and cause my pancreas to function normally thus curing my diabetes.

I think aliens are real!

@speckle I am in the same boat as you. The universe is too vast for Earth to be the only place for living creatures.

i agree, but i also very much doubt there is anything to that story about anonymous.

Thanks for commenting. I found it interesting that the report from anonymous preceded the news about Air force creating a "Space Corps" military program. The way I see it, we wouldn't need a space corps program if nothing was going on. I didn't do a thorough search of which news article came out first but its intriguing none-the-less.

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