Truth or Dare? I am accepting the challenge!


I always like a good challenge but no one dared me!

Not that something like that will stop me! SO, here we go!

1. When was the last time you cried and why?

I knew there would be a reason one should not accept a dare like this! I am not someone who hides tears but also not someone who shares it all in the open. BUT, I accepted my own challenge to answer these questions. The last time I cried was yesterday. There is a period in a woman life, lets say once per month... Where hormones take over everything. I cried my eyes out, Yes I did because I simply felt sorry for myself!

2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you what would it be?

I think the people around me would advice me to hire someone to keep my house clean! Not that it's a filthy hole or anything like that but I am chaos! I am living chaos! Maybe they are right but I know where to find anything in my own mess! My mom likes to clean and organize when she is here and I have to go looking for things three weeks after! So not a cleaner! I would hire someone to kick my ass a few times a day to keep me going, a motivator!
No I am not lazy, I just like motivation!

3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

To die of a heart attack! And trust me I do everything that can cause it! It's a real fear and when I see it happening on tv, in a movie or real life hospital series I almost pass out! I have this fear since the moment I woke up from the OK. Before the surgery my heart started to beat so fast that they had to medicate me a few times to slow it down. When I woke up, that fear was plastered all over me, so, I woke up in a panic attack and it never went away.

4. Power to fly or Power to be invisible? Why?

I don't like flying in a plane so I sure as hell will not love to fact to fly myself! I would pick being invisble because that way I can sneeeeek up on people and share them out of their pants! And or spy on them when they plan to trick me and scare me!

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5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house what would you grab and why?

I would grab my partner and my animals. I would also try to grab my laptop but would not seriously risk my life for it. My laptop is my work and income but life means more to me than that! All my things can be replaced but not my loving partner and pets! yes, I would also safe my sweet little goldfish!

6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

This is an easy question! I would be stuck together with @thebugiq! He is not only one of my best friends here on Steemit and my partner in crime when it comes to projects but he also knows how to survive in the wild! He knows things and that will come in handy seeing I would probably lose it and go bananas. I also know that if he starts talking I would calm down and laugh myself to dead about his jokes! I lovers him!

7. The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

I have no real answer to this question because there are many people who do smart things! If I have to pick someone I would not be able to stick to one name. A few of the Steemians I hold high in respect are @agrroed and @yabapmatt. @roelandp, @thebugiq, @ma1neevent, @mandelsage and many many more.

8. The most funniest person on steemit according to you is?

There is only one person that makes me laugh at least 25 times a day and that is @thebugiq! I know, him again! I can't help it! He is fun and witty and always had a great answer ready to throw at everyone! Without him my life here on Steemit with be .... weird.


9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone from steemit

Dear @ma1neevent, you have done so much for me in the past and right now you still do. You are one of the reasons I could come back after my 3 month break last year! You opened doors for me and for that I will always be grateful! You rock!

10. Your crush on steemit would be?

If I would be single......LMAO... I always joke about it and say that @ma1neevent is my crush and I am sticking to that! He is and always will be my crush because look at his profile picture on Discord... He is riding a whale... Who would not crush on that?

11. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about me?

I can't answer this question because no one nominated me and I am not going to talk more about myself than I already have done above!


The rules for this challenge

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1. You can choose either "Truth" or "Dare" or choose both if you want and make a post on it:)

2. Use the main hashtag as alicedaretruth

3. All are free to participate. Nomination is not compulsory

4. You need to nominate two or more people for the challenge to continue forward

5. Every post to contain the link to my original post

6. MOST IMPORTANTLY : Feel free to change the "Dare" and "Truth" challenges as you seem fit when you nominate someone. Or you can keep it the same as below its your choise :)


The Questions!

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1. When was the last time you cried and why?

2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you what would it be?

3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

4. Power to fly or Power to be invisible? Why?

5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house what would you grab and why?

6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

7. The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

8. The most funniest person on steemit according to you is?

9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone from steemit

10. Your crush on steemit would be?

11. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about me?


I nominate:






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@poeticsnake, For sure this challenge is bit deep and in my opinion you've openly gave answers for all.

And in my opinion that's the nature of dare where we share things which are in the same form in our heart.

And in my opinion sometimes we don't share some things and specially regarding to Emotional Outburst.

And in my opinion you've done this challenge effectively and for sure your answers also reflecting the open heart essence.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

I totally get the whole crush on @ma1neevent he is a very crushable man!!

so nice to know more about you dear Snekky!

This is all so you!

Hahah..I am so nominating you next time :)

Aww I love the posts that make you know your fellow friends better... sorry you cried yesterday... I also get moody when the "moon" comes hahaha. I fear heights but I dream of flying...
The one that gives you away is in case of danger your partner and pets will go first... same here... (even your goldfish) life above all... I would not even think of it.
Apples for you my sweet snekky!

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