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RE: When the masses start to realize Alex Jones is not crazy

Ummmm, you listen to Alex Jones, right?

Alex Jones IS crazy! He has said so more than once.

Politicians are not crazy, they would be criminal... except they write the laws.
What they do is evil. All of them commit evil. Even Ron Paul, when he was in there.

In easy example, Obomba-care, the government forcing people to buy something from a third party. That is one of the definitions of evil, and it is clearly unconstitutional. So, why isn't ever congressman stating, we need to repeal this law?

And, if you understood THE LAW, you would be with me and Trump to build a wall around foreign occupied land, that little area on the Potomic.

Pizza-gate and Spirit cooking. Yeah, that stuff is real, and that is just the stuff they are showing you, trying to get you to except it as normal.

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