The Curious Case of Alexander Downer and George PapadopoloussteemCreated with Sketch.

in #alexanderdowner7 years ago


Alexander Downer is being touted in some quarters as uncovering the entire Russian hacking conspiracy. In fact, he's about all that's left.

Alexander Fucking Downer.

Let's be honest. Mr Downer is a lightweight and that's being charitable.

This guy isn't exactly a rocket scientist. He's a career politician with a born to rule mentality, a political judgement that borders on kamikaze and a history of being an easy mark.

I'm sure that he met with George Papadopolous and I'm sure that Papadopolous told him that the Russians were shopping Clinton's emails around. I'm sure that he reported the matter back to the Australian government.

But here's the thing. Alexander Downer, in my opinion, has a very poor history of making judgements. Anyone who saw his kamikaze press conference that launched his party's family violence policy could never take this guy seriously. Downer had released a party manifesto called “The things that matter” and somehow thought that joking his family violence policy should be called “The Things That Batter” would cut through. He did this in a press conference covered by all Mainstream Media channels.

Understandably, Downer didn't last long as party leader, but he managed to resurface in various ministry roles for the Howard Government. One of those was as Foreign Minister and some of Downer's decisions were indefensible.

Downer was all for the first Iraq war and told the Australian Parliament that the concerns about Saddam Hussein were immediate. Yet, more than 6 months before the US invasion, Downer had already flagged that it would suit Australia's wheat industry to support the war in Iraq. In fact, it appears that he made it a condition of Australia's support for the war. So much for principles.

In 2003 Downer was accused of not passing on intelligence reports he received before the 2002 Bali bombings. His excuse was that the warnings weren't specific enough to justify release to the Australian public. Only he knows the truth.

Perhaps the most telling instance of Downer's “judgement” came in 2006 when Downer was responsible for signing an agreement with Bill Clinton to fund aids prevention in Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and China. Downer appeared to do little due diligence (if any) and failed to identify that the Clinton Foundation employed the sum total of one staff member to oversee this undertaking. I'm sure the photo opportunities were worth every cent.

It is my understanding that this matter among other dealings with the Clinton Foundation has been referred to the FBI for further investigation.

Also in 2006, Downer's department became wrapped up in the oil for food scandal Downer denied all knowledge of massive kickbacks paid to the Iraqi government.

Downer also stood bravely to one side while two Australian citizens were held at Guantanamo Bay.
Since his retirement from politics Downer has been appointed High Commissioner In London. He holds board positions on the Advisory Board of British Strategic Intelligence and advisory strategic intelligence firm Hakluyt & Co.

So, all in all, we have a picture of a man, comfortable with his place in the world, accustomed to rubbing shoulders with the elite and prone to poor decision making. He also clearly believes in a worldview consistent with a globalist agenda.

On the other hand, George Papadopolous is a man of mystery who appeared as a bit player in the Trump campaign and then magically found himself in the company of the Australian High Commissioner to London and spilt his guts on the “Russian plot.”

I'm left with a lot of questions and I can't help but speculate on Mr Papadopolous.

Let's consider what we now know to be true.

  1. The FISA applications for surveillance of Carter Page and by association, the Trump campaign were reliant upon a discredited dossier financed by the Clinton Campaign.
  2. The story concerning Mr Downer's conversations with Mr Papadopolous only surfaced when the dossier's legitimacy started to look shaky.
  3. There is strong evidence to suggest that the Clinton emails were never hacked, but downloaded on to a thumb drive.
  4. There is now strong evidence to suggest that Carter Page was an FBI operative.
  5. Mr Downer has had dealings with the Clintons in the past and was either a willing accomplice or an easy mark.

So let's indulge in some speculation for a minute.

Why would George Papadopolous, the low ranking volunteer for the Trump campaign go to London?

Yes, we know he visited some mysterious professor who was said to have all these emails, but if the Trump campaign wanted them why would they send a boy on a man's errand? It doesn't make sense unless George Papadopolous is an FBI/DOJ plant charged with the specific task of feeding the easily suggestible Downer information that Downer would feel compelled to pass on.

It's speculation at best, but as Tracy Beanz has pointed out on several occasions the Papadopolous arrest and bail terms don't make a whole lot of sense.

Whatever, the case, it seems that there is much more to this Downer/Papadopolous meeting than meets the eye.

Donations to Clinton Foundation



I think it is more likely pigs are flying backwards around the moon then the Downer/Papadopoulos drunken conversation being the real reason the Russian Collusion investigation was launched.

Alexander Downer is a fool with no credibility.

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