Alexa Ranking Social Media

in #alexa4 years ago

I read something yesterday that left me kind of perplexed, it reported as a fact that Uptrennd is the highest Alexa ranked Crypto Social Media at the moment. So, of course, as I don't like to believe everything I hear without making sure of it I did some Googling and came up with the following data, these sites are the only ones I am currently using, except Hive which I just go to read something at times. Therefore there might be some other crypto social media ranked higher than Uptrennd but I doubt it.


This data is from today, so I guess it is as up to date as can be. It is kind of strange not seeing Steemit in first place, but it is also logical, the ongoing fight with Hive has reduced its users, some have moved to Hive while others have just quit. It is interesting because Steemit was so far ahead of the rest, you know over one million members, a big group of very active users and yet here we are.

It also looks like Publish0x might take that second place from Steemit also. But what really surprises me is the place Hive is in, after all the promotion it got from the hard fork, the other hard fork, the trying to get people to quit Steemit for Hive and yet I think their Alexa ranking is kind of low. And I think that for either Steemit or Hive to catch up with Uptrennd will be extremely difficult.

Of course this ranking in no way pretends to say which is the best, it is just a metric, it measures the traffic each site gets, so I guess Steemit and Hive have succeeded in one thing, making sure the other one is not number one. A very sad state of affairs.

And I know some will say but some of our visitors come through another front end, good, still the main site has these numbers and that is what people see.


For hive, you need to test, the other one suck!

Truly bizarre, why is Hive so low I wonder and why is Steemit still so high in use? I have accounts at the other two also but don't use them anymore. Might revisit them one day.

It could be that people use Hive apps that don't go through the Hive site, I still think that by this time Hive should have passed Steemit, but without using Alexa you can see how things are, just look at posts per minute when you enter either site and you can see how they are doing.

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