Volcano Eruption in Costa Rica

in #alerts5 years ago

on September 23 2019 06:22 PM (UTC).


"Poas Volcano, located 47 kilometers (29 miles) northwest of the Costa Rican capital of San Jose, erupted Sunday night, authorities said. The 25-minute event began at 8:59 p.m. Sunday and was a hydrothermal eruption, according to the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI), based at Universidad Nacional (UNA). The eruption generated a 2 km column of steam, which wind carried to the northeast. OVSICORI's initial reports said they had not detected ash falls, and there were no reports of significant affectation Monday morning. Poas Volcano National Park, among the most popular in Costa Rica, is closed Monday while authorities monitor the volcano for any additional activity.


Poas reopened to the public in August 2018 after implementing additional security measures, including shelters, to protect the visiting public from a potential eruption. "Very few countries in the world take these initiatives to help ensure the public's safety when they visit national parks with active volcanoes," said the National Emergency Commission's Alexander Solis in January. The organization said that since Poas Volcano reopened to the public, the National Park sees 300 daily visitors during weekdays and accommodates about 1,000 daily during weekends. Spots are limited and must be pre-booked via an online portal, and guests must wear hard hats when they approach the lookout."




"There are two crater lakes near the summit. The northern lake is known as the Laguna Caliente ("hot lagoon") and is located at a height of 2,300 m in a crater approximately 0.3 km wide and 30 m deep.

It is one of the world's most acidic lakes. The acidity varies after rain and changes in volcanic activity, sometimes reaching a pH of almost 0; consequently, it supports little or no aquatic life. The bottom of this lake is covered with a layer of liquid sulfur. Acid gases create acid rain and acid fog, causing damage to surrounding ecosystems and often irritation of eyes and lungs.

Lake Botos, the southern lake, fills an inactive crater, which last erupted in 7500 BC. It is cold and clear, and is surrounded by a cloud forest within the National Park boundaries."


"It is active and has one of the largest craters in the world. Know this colossus without traveling long distances.

Not only has one of the largest craters in the world, but is located in the forests of Central Mountain Range, which boasts magnificent natural landscapes: this is the Poas Volcano National Park."



Hola @darkflame.
Has recibido un vote como muestra de apoyo a la comunidad de Costa Rica, Pura vida!

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