Between Safa and Marwah

in #airhawk-project7 years ago (edited)


Safa and Marwah are two sister girls who are only two years apart. However, they both look very different. Some say, like heaven and earth.
Beautiful Safa, soft white crested radish, long straight black hair. The ball is beautiful golden brown eyes. Her smile is sweet complete with dimples.
While Marwah ... her skin is brown. her hair is coarsely curly to be often combed. His face is normal and sometimes even acne if the hormone is increasing. His smile, his teeth completely away from the charming impression like Safa. Even Marwah is shorter than Safa. Betisnya also like pawpaw bangkok.
Safa is smart to dance, play music, sing beautiful voice. While Marwah just ordinary. No special skills other than climbing the cashew tree neighboring RT.
Mama says, Marwah is a gatot made, alias failed miserably.
Yes. That's what sometimes makes Marwah sad. Her own mother did not like her. Sometimes it tends to discriminate against it. Often comparing the imbalance of his children. Fortunately his father did not. His father was fair enough to share the love between Safa and Marwah.

Mama always puts her first. From ballet lessons, English courses, to follow-up contests of all kinds, mama would certainly agree to even support everything for Safa.
If Marwah, for permission ekskul basketball mama must be hostile to Marwah for days.
"You really lack awareness, Marwah? Your skin will be more charred if follow-up basketball exclusives? Do not you have a better activity for your change? "Mom said painfully.
But Marwah realized and admitted that the word mama is true. But what can be done, only basketball that makes him confident and the only ekskul that he likes. Fortunately his wise father gave him permission as long as it did not interfere with his school.

Marwah was never angry at her mother's words. Because it's all true. That he is a 'failed' child, that he is a standard child tends to minus, that he is created by God with that much. Yes. Marwah realized all that. Her sister was almost perfect. Marwah can not ignore the reality. He became a quiet boy, closed and more inferior with himself. For him now the main thing is to be a good boy. obey all his parents' advice. Study and study. Although with a mediocre value.
Her true friend is just a small laptop gift from papa when her 15th birthday.
With the laptop he felt able to shed his sadness and feelings through the outpouring of his typewriting heart.
Marwah did not want to be a rebellious child by fighting the words of her Mama that sometimes hurt her even in public.

Until one day mama sick. The doctor sentenced him to cancer.
Instantly all changed. Papa's face that was once cheerful and full of laughter is now sadly clothed with grief. Their lives changed drastically. Safa quit piano lessons, ballet, and all that papa said was not so important. Marwah also had to disable the swimming course which is quite expensive cost per month.
One by one the items luks in their homes changed into the most important common goods have. TVs in their respective rooms have been auctioned for additional expenses for mamma treatment. Piano, drums, papa keyboards that had stood firmly in their mini studio space have moved into the house that bought them.
Mama need chemo, need endoscopy, check-up every 2 weeks even just consultation. Not a little cost to be spent papa.
Even Safa cried, shouting when Dad asked her to stop her routine to the salon for the sake of spending money.

I 'm never angry, papa sell all my favorite things for the sake of my mama. I've never complained to stop all my favorite activities. But plis ... I ga 'can nurutin papa to ga' go to the salon. I only ask 300 to 500 per month to go to the salon. Once mama ga 'never complained. Instead mama nyuruh I look more beautiful and must take care of themselves! "Said Safa while crying to make the atmosphere quiet.
Mama cried inside the room alone. The sound of Safa's shout was apparently heard as well as his room.
Papa and Marwah who were outside with Safa were silent.

All this is not predictable papa before. Even with the help of any cost insurance mama still keteteran. What can be said, all these tests God gives. Papa and Marwah tried to sincerely accept the origin of mama heal as usual.
Marwah remembered her writings stored neatly in her laptop files. He took the initiative to send one of his essays to teen magazines that he used to buy every month. Just to amuse himself from the sadness of his heart that worsens. He tried to send his articles to some magazine editors.
Interrupted during school time and take care of the house that is now his responsibility, Marwah more diligent writing.
Until one day, the postman came and handed a piece of paper and envelope to Marwah.
"Money order, mba '"
"Where are you from, sir?"
"Teenage magazine ..." Postal reply made Marwah surprised.

After signing the proof of receipt, Marwah read the article in front of the envelope containing the money. Again, again and again, read it. Worry the postman miscast and it's not for him.
But still the writing does not change. For him, MARWAH. The address is clear with the same house number as his home.
He opened the paper from the editor of the magazine. The contents, asking the reason why he did not come to the editorial address to take his own honorarium from the short story that has matured even now through 1 month. Then also written that there are some short stories that pass the selection to be ready to be published in the next issue of teen magazines. And Marwah was asked to come next week to the editorial office of the magazine during office hours.
Waw .... not playing happy Marwah heart. Almost he lost control and wanted to shout with joy if he did not remember his mother who was resting in the room.

Marwah ran to her room. He opened the contents of the envelope. There are 800 thousand rupiah after he counted. Marwah prostrated thanks for the results of his writing.
He undo the intention of giving the envelope to mama. He remembers the writings of the magazine editor who told him to come next week because there are some decent writings. Maybe still will increase coffers rupiah when later combined.

It was long for Marwah to wait for the promised day to arrive. She tried to keep herself from telling everything to her father and mother earlier.
Until it was time, after school hours, Marwah went to the editorial office of the teen magazine. It did not take long to get there.
His office is large and comfortable. Everyone is busy in front of his desk and computer. Almost he undo his intention to ask the mba 'a beautiful receptionist if no one admonished him.

"Marwah? Marwah Ibrahim the author of short stories ANDAI I HAVE WINGS it?
Marwah nodded slowly.
"Come on, you've been waiting for Mr. Degrees in his office."
Marwah followed the mas from behind. they enter the elevator and up 5 floors.
"Oh, I'm Soni. Staff editor here. The Degrees were the chief editor. He often asks you. When did the boy come? he said. Hehehe ... apparently your writing was memeletnya until continue nanyain child named Marwah Ibrahim it's coming? Hehehe…!"
"Sorry, mas Soni. I do not know if the Degrees are waiting for me, "Marwah said.
"You really do not read that last month's edition? Your story has been shown there. Well, many respondents entered. From the praises, just comments to who ask questions too. "
"Sorry mas ...! I did not buy magazines yesterday. "

Marwah and mas Soni arrive in a neatly clean room with all busy people.
"You bener Marwah Ibrahim? Identification card? Proof postal mail? Which one? "
Marwah nervously pulled them out.
"Her ID card is a student card, sir? I'm only 16 years old, I do not have ID. "Mr. Degrees nodded firmly.
"Look, Marwah Ibrahim! ... I am personally interested in your writings. Short, solid, but nyampai message to the reader. DAn one more honest and innocent, considering your young age. In keeping with the motto of our magazine, The Younger Achievers. "
Marwah bowed nervously.
"There are 4 of your writing that go to our editor. Everyone, pass verification without anything being changed except a few typos. "
"And I, have an offer for you, Marwah Ibrahim .... May you consider first. Say orantua ask for his opinion. Look ... considering your young age but qualified enough in terms of writing ..., I offer part time work as a young writer in our editorial. You can join us after school hours. Working hours in this office until 4 pm except for certain times such as deadlines or overtime. Or you can also do not have to every day to the office with a note you send your writing every day via email. Unless the time needed, "said Mr. Degrees. Almost Marwah did not believe it. It was like a dream to be praised in such a way.
"Marwah Ibrahim? You hear my words khan? "
"Oh yes sir, sorry ... I'm daydreaming!"
"Hahaha ... .what are you thinking ...? Yes already, this is your honor money 3 total 2 million 400 rupiah. Eit, but you do not get excited! Later your salary is not a reply yes, ... but monthly 3 million is still a trial period. This honorarium is only for freelance writers whose writings pass the censorship and enter the live edition. In accordance with the agreement, the author gets honorarium 800 thousand for the writing pass, tax borne editorial. "
Marwah sobbed happily. He kissed Mr. Degrees' hands.
"This is the best gift I ever made for mama, sir!"
"Is it your birthday?"
"Not. Mama got cervical cancer, sir! Now again fighting for his recovery. "
"Nice! Love keep your mama ya, Marwah Ibrahim. The brave too yes, and do not forget the focus! "
Marwah came home like a fly. He wanted to get home quickly and tell him everything.
Mama and papa would love to hear it.

Arriving at home, his family gathered. Even Safa is beside mama.
"Where are you from? Basic children ga 'know yourself, gini new day home. Mama anfal you until ga 'know! "Grumbled Safa. If Papa had not looked at him sharply, it would have been a lengthy Safa lecture.
Marwah sits next to Mom. Tears streamed. her hands gently squeezing her weak fingers.
"Mama is strong yes, ... do not stay Marvelous! Marwah ga 'want to live without mama! "She burst into tears in the embrace of mama teary-eyed.
"Forgive mama ya, Marwah! Mama likes evil with you, but your little heart love you. Mama wants to make you like Safa. But mama ga 'can, and that makes mama disappointed in her own self. Finally mama wreaked your mama's resentment. You ga 'wrong nothing, but mama who was wrong. Mama make you more sad, yes ..?!? "
"Mama! Mama ga 'wrong. Everything I ever said about Marwah is true. Marwah also ga 'angry with God. Because this is how God created Marwah different from kak Safa. But mama must be strong. We need mom! Mama must heal and fight hard against the disease of mama. Marwah sure, with love daddy, mommy must be healed and healthy as ever! "Marwah hugged mama tightly. Both mother and child were crying out of the burden that had been pressing their chests.

"Pa, Ma, .... There is money 3 million 200 thousand. Hopefully it can be for an additional grip papa. "Marwah provide envelopes containing money on his father.
"What is this money Marwah? Where do you get this money? "Asked papa full of investigation. Her hands tremble to receive the envelope. His chest thundered full of question marks.
"Pa ... Please pray ya, Marwah now part time work diredaksi juvenile magazine. Later, whenever Marwah brings papa there, let dad can be an acquaintance with Mr. Degrees chairman redaksinya. It's freelance reward Marwah for 4 short stories that Marwah wrote. "Marwah's story makes pity burst into tears. She embraced Marwah. He is proud of his hard work and determination. Mama joined in tears, as did Safa who was ashamed of Marwah's success.
The family was swept away in cries of joy. Behind the sorrow must God tucked happy. Among the shortcomings of God also surely gives an edge. All He has set according to the portion.

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