in #airhawk-project6 years ago

I just answered a question on a Platform controlled by one of our members, at his request.

He was asking to know why goals and plans fail.

My response was simple and direct. But I further gave an example to make it vivid and better understood. This was it:

My Dear, it is simple. Plans fail because plans lack the actions that will make them to succeed. It is as simple as that.

Prayers and Fasting, Wishes and Thinking, Talking and Dreaming don't necessarily make a plan to succeed...except if the plans are only spiritual or imaginary ones. It is ACTIONS that bring about SUCCESS.

For example: If you wanted to write an exam, you have been given the syllabus. If you don't have the syllabus, you must get it.

Questions will come out from different parts of that syllabus.

If your plan or goal is to have straight A's.

Then, you must plan HOW TO STUDY DAILY to the extent that you will READ EVERYTHING you need and cover the Syllabus.

Not just covering but YOU KNOW and LEARN everything contained in that syllabus.

Why? You are not the one that will set the questions and you don't know which one would be asked or not. So, you must COVER ALL.

That way, you'll know all and you can rightly answer all and have your straight A's.

But, if your goal is to have A's and your plan is to study and cover the syllabus, but you didn't follow the plan...but sleep, party, lazy etc when you ought to be reading.

There is no way you would have that Straight A's.

If you study 50% or 60%. You'll get what you put in.

Goals fail because there are no solid plans to achieve them...and plans fail because there are no STRONG DETERMINATIONS to FOLLOW THEM THROUGH

Success is achieved through a corresponding Action proportional to the desired success...not just any kind of action.

What you are giving to your goals or putting into your plans must be proportional to what you are trying to get out of it.

There is no other way.

You must apply this to your life, career and current relationship if you are Single or your marriage if you are married.

Based on how you are living your life now, how would your future look like?

Based on the kind of relationship you have right now and what you are doing in that relationship, how would your marriage look like?

Based on what you are putting into yourself, will your goals and plans for the future of your marriage and career come true, or fail woefully?

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