The Christmas SpiritsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #airhawk-project7 years ago (edited)

As the shadows of Christmas falls upon us, the sounds and laughter of enjoyment jingles of a bell to our hearing.

As Christmas is fast approaching, how do you wanna spend it ??. Celebrating Christmas is one of the epitomes of December as it said to be the birth month of Christ(which technically isnt , Jesus was actually given birth to in the summer). But the spirit of Christmas lives in the winter


So how would be giving tips on how well to spend your Christmas and make full use of it

Ways to spend this coming Christmas

  • Celebrating with Family

Celebrating Christmas with ones family is a joy to behold, you get to see familiar faces that you might not have seen for a long time due to one reason or the other. And I mean celebrating Christmas with one's extended family not nuclear family. You get to talk about the year and chat up on past events. And you can eat all you want but you might spend a little than expected


  • Visiting hotspots in your area

Are there recreational centers in your area ??. or an Amusement park ??, Maybe an organization is doing a Christmas party ??, or There are shopping malls or eateries in your area ??. Take you family out for lunch in an eatery or you could take them shopping in a shopping mall. Why not go to an amusement park just for fun, or you could go eat pepper soup in a nearby big hotel. Its quite expensive cause you would spend a lot.


  • Relaxing at home

You might be an introvert, you could simply celebrate your Christmas at home. Cook a nice meal inclusively with chicken on it (Chicken symbolizes Christmas food). Get a chilled drink to wash down, lay down and watch TV. its cost effective and relatively cheap.

  • Visiting the homeless and orphanage homes

Christmas spirit shouldn't only be about you, you should think of the needy as they can't afford to celebrate Christmas the way you might be able to. You could visit an orphanage home and celebrate Christmas there with them, or give the needy a reason to celebrate Christmas by sharing the love of the season with them. Don't always think about yourself during this Christmas, think of other who can't afford to spend Christmas.


  • Be Thankful

Be thankful to God who has spared your life from January till December. Its not an easy journey, Lots of people are dead or in the hospital. Be thankful you are alive and breathing and you are able to read this post. Be thankful that you met Steemit also.

Christmas on Steemit

l, this is for the steemians who are on Steemit.

  • Running a Contest

If I had enough SBD or a Sponsor or enough steempower, I would run a Christmas contest I would wanna give back to the community who has given me a lot. So if you are a #Whale or you have the capability to do so, why not help we minnows by sharing the joy of Christmas and putting a smile on a minnows face this Christmas. But if you know you don't have the time to do so, Delegate Steempower to someone who can do so.

  • Giving out SBD for Free

Giving out SBD to minnows without holding a contest. Put a Smile on a Minnows face and give him the joy of Christmas. Remember I am also a minnow, it would help a long way this Christmas. I wanna buy gifts for the family and celebrate Christmas with them. (Donations are allowed)😂😂😂😂. As we all know the price of SBD is quite high this period. One SBD can change a minnows Christmas, Share the Love and Spirit of Christmas.

Lemme drop a Christmas Poem

What is this feeling filling me up

Why is my smile as wide as a crescent moon

Why does my skin tingles with joy

The spirit of Christmas must be around

I can smell the aroma of delicious food on the way

I can see the smile of children running around

Trees being brightly lighted up at night

Oh my Christmas is gonna be lit


I remain the #Untalented_Craftsman

@bcrafts............. signing out

Merry Christmas in Advance Steemians


Sbd keh, in this scarcity time 😱

Please if you get some send here oo..

Weldon bro, nice article but your tag.. Hmm

Me that I dey look for sef😂😂😂😂

Nice one bro, I commend you for take up to charity this season, charity is a great part of the celebration, keep the spirit.

I love the part where you teach that we can also give free sbd on Christmas. Invade you don't know, I'm available to receive your donations. Lol.
Merry Christmas in advance

Same to you

And I am also available to receive donations

Lol... Free sbd kor 😭😂😂😂😂... I love the creativity with the steem logo 👍👍

Free SBD to put a smile.on my face nah😂😂😂

cool...bur wrong usage of tags though.

Good post! Visit our blog and see the latest news and the best tops :D Greetings

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