Telegram Airdrops - Only Crypto Airdrops Made For Telegram

in #airdrops6 years ago (edited)


What is a Telegram Airdrop? A Telegram Airdrop is a Crypto Airdrop made specifically for Telegram. This is an airdrop that is made with a Telegram Bot and programmed to allow the user to conduct the airdrop tasks inside the bot as well as track the users social media tasks and store the airdrop users details such as name, email and wallet airdrop so they are able to receive their airdrop token rewards.

Telegram Airdrops are generally quick and easy to complete thus making airdrop hunters more apt to conduct the airdrop tasks. We have created this page for those airdrop hunters that are interested in Telegram Airdrops so they can quickly and easily earn airdrop token rewards.

Below you will find several active Telegram Airdrops:

🔵 Shared Internet Data Airdrop
💵 300 SID + 50 SID per referral
🛠 Chat with Telegram Bot, Complete Bounties & Refer Users
⭐️ 4.7/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Complete Bounties (300 SID Tokens)

  3. Refer User (50 SID Tokens)

🗣 Memez Airdrop
💵 150 Tokens + 100 Tokens per referral
🛠 Chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram, Twitter & Submit ETH wallet address
⭐️ 4.5/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Join Telegram, Twitter & Submit ETH address (150 Memez Tokens)

  3. Refer Users (100 Memez Tokens)

🔵 WeBuy Airdrop
💵 12 Tokens + 2 Tokens per referral
🛠 Chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group, Follow on Twitter & Submit Details
⭐️ 4.8/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Join Telegram Group, Follow on Twitter, Like on Facebook & Subscribe to YouTube Channel (12 WeBuy Tokens)

  3. Refer Users (2 WeBuy Tokens)

Kronos is airdropping up to 425 KRON tokens to their community members. Chat w/ their Telegram bot & complete all the social tasks to earn 125 KRON tokens. Also earn 300 KRON tokens for writing a minimum of two posts about Kronos in any social media & for referring a minimum of 10 friends. Submit your details to the bot to receive up to
425 KRON tokens.
💵 425 KRON
🛠 Chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group, Follow at least 2 of 5 Social Media Profiles, Make 2 Social Posts,
Answer 3 questions, Submit Details & Refer Users
⭐️ 4.8/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Complete all the social tasks (125 KRON Tokens)

  3. Writing a minimum of two posts about Kronos in any social media & for referring a
    minimum of 10 friends. (300 KRON Tokens)

  4. Answer 3 questions. Below are the answers:
    Answer to question 1: (Multi-strategy Hedge Fund Ecosystem)
    Answer to question 2: We have an ERC20 Token for the parent fund
    & asset of security token for each child strategy.)
    Answer to question 3: (Provides liquidity services to projects & exchanges
    for fair & orderly markets

🗣 AgentMile Airdrop (Round 2)
💵 25 Tokens + 5 Tokens Per Referral
🛠 Chat with Telegram Bot, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Submit Details & Refer Users
⭐️ 4.8/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube & Submit Details (25 Tokens)

  3. Refer Users (5 Tokens)

GCAir Airdrop
500 Gric Coins
Chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group & Submit ETH wallet Address
⭐️ 4.7/5

  1. Chat with Telegram Bot:

  2. Join Telegram Group

  3. Submit ETH wallet Address

Referrals are limited to 200

The bot may be a little slow! Just be patient!

Rate3 Airdrop
40 RTE
Chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram & Refer Users
⭐️ 4.5/5

  1. Chat with Telegram:

  2. Join Telegram & Submit Email

  3. Refer Users

*PLEASE NOTE: I will update this post with Telegram Airdrops every day so please bookmark the page or you can join the Telegram Channel here:


#Airdrops #FreeTokens #Giveaway #FreeGiveaway #Bounty
For More Bounty and Airdrop as above , Join Our Public Group 👑👉⚡️ ⚡️👈🙏👌👑

PLEASE NOTE: This above comment is a spam commmet and we do not endorse the link nor it’s contents! Click at your own risk!

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