Airdrop Alert: HODLit Network (HIT)

in #airdrop7 years ago

Who's ready for a proper airdrop? I know I am!It's been a while, well, I say a while, it's been a couple weeks since I brought you all a proper airdrop which looked like it could be really worthwhile. Well I am more than happy to bring you another which I think could be extremely lucrative for all who manage to enter.

You remember the Twist Network airdrop which happened just over a week ago, right? Well this is an airdrop which will, no doubt, be conducted in a similar manner. The team over at Hodlit have been tinkering away behind the scenes, preparing for what they're labelling as an ICD (Initial Coin Distribution) or, as you and I know it, an airdrop.

The Hodlit Network are planning to release full details of how you can enter their airdrop on February 28th 2018 at 7pm UTC.

So far I personally have been really impressed with both the team and the information released regarding the project. From what I can see the Hodlit Network project will aim to reward those who hold their tokens through the torrid dips of the crypto market (like the one we are currently in) with more tokens.

Specifically, the Hodlit Network wishes to incentivise the holding of Ethereum when others are dumping the coin due to their emotions managing to overrule their logic. As many people involved in crypto at the moment right now will know, dumping of coins at the slightest sign of a dip is a real problem for the entire cryptocurrency industry and is what creates such tragic volatility within the markets.

If the Hodlit team manage to accomplish their goals this could be a token well worth, excuse the pun, holding onto. I myself am really interested to see what the team pulls out of the woodwork and have been looking forward to the release since I read the Bitcoin Talk announcement a week, or so, ago.

So there you have it, make sure you set an alarm and put a massive circle around the 28th February on your calendar because it is set to be a glorious day for airdrops. In my opinion anyway.

Click here to find out more about the Hodlit airdrop

Please remember that this article is not to be taken as any form of investment advice and that you should do your own research before investing your hard earned cash into anything. We would also like to remind you that Something Decent is not in anyway responsible for the distribution of airdrops, bounties or giveaways unless it is stated that we are personally conducting them

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