Air-clinic writing contest; and i fainted

in #air-clinic6 years ago

It is so saddening to discover that the person you believed you know so well and you are ready to go any extra mile for is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. I thought Tunde was the angel sent by God to wipe away my tears after i lost my dad some six years ago but then i was only deceiving my self.

I patiently waited for Tunde's call that faithful day because it was that day i decided to give him my virginity after a long period of five years. Throughout those years, Tunde never for once asked me for sex. He acted like the father I lost, like a brother i never had and also a husband i wished for. I decided to call him since he was not going to call me.

After several calls, I decided to rush to his house because i was already scared that something might be wrong with him. On getting to his house, I met his room door opened. I entered into the room and met everything scattered. His laptop was opened and a movie was playing. I decided to sit down and wait for him so i carried the laptop to start watching. Surprisingly, what i saw on the screen was a gay porn.

I was shocked and in great disbelief at the same time but then I just concluded in my mind that one of his friends came over and he was only being mischievous. I shut down the system and i started arranging the room. After i finished, Tunde was still yet to come inside so i decided to check the next room opposite his room to ask about his whereabout. I had totally forgotten that i needed to knock and so i just bashed into the room.
Lo and behold, my so called perfect boyfriend was having sex with another guy. I just stood there and stared and then i dropped on the floor unconsciously. After attempts to wake me up, I did wake up... and i fainted again when i saw his monstrous face.

The End

note: This pictures where taken by me and nothing was harmed during the course of the production.. Winks...... Cut..

Say no to Gay in Nigeria

Word count: 350words
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