in #air-clinic7 years ago

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If someone had ever told me I would fall in love with an albino, I would have slapped the person but the funny thing is that life has a way of cutting short our expectations and making us do things we can’t even explain.

Growing up, I was one person who never liked albinos. I was naïve and thought they were sick and that coming close to them or even touching them will make me as “sick’’ as they are. I remember always taunting one of the female albinos in our class back then. Now I regret all of those.

When I got into the university, I fell in love with a lady who was an albino. Falling in love with her made me understand that the pigment of their skin is nothing but just a colour. She was a great lady with a big heart. Pretty and extremely intelligent. I learnt to look beyond her skin colour and concentrated more on what she could offer from within.

We had nothing intimate because I saw her as a sister and a pal. She became my best friend and each day I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered how things could easily turn around when you find that one person who touches your heart from within.

Today I no longer discriminate against albinos and as a matter of fact, each time I see them, knowing what they pass through in our society today (Thanks to people as naïve as I was), I try to make them feel at home and give them a sense of belonging.

Now for those who are fund of seeing albinos as aliens, as people not to be associated with, as people who are sick. I write today to tell you to change that perception. Albinos are humans too and great ones at that. You are no different from them and their skin colour gives you no right to speak ill about them. Let’s change the way the world sees albinos and that change begins with you.

Thank you…



We are all the same. The only notable biological difference is their lack of melanin. A senior of mine in high school is one, she is so funny, I swear you can't keep a straight face when you're near her. And she is absolutely gorgeous. The problem with albinism here in Nigeria, is that the illiterate parents don't know how to manage the condition -unnecessry exposure to sunlight due the light and skin sensitivity and so on.

Wonderful story by the way!

Yeaaaaa... Ur very right. The parents don't know how to manage or take care if them properly. If u get to see the ones being properly taken care of, they are always gorgeous and admired.

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