Menstruation – problems related to it

in #air-clinic6 years ago

What is menstruation?

Menstruation refers to the process which takes place in women (starting from puberty) in which the lining of the womb is discarded by the body, every month. This shedding is accompanied by blood.

What is a period?

The number of days starting from one cycle to the next is known as a period. It varies for each and every woman who menstruates.

There are women who get it every 25 days to some who get it every 40 days or in some case several months.
Fatigue, headache, irritability, and cramping are some of the most common problems faced by women in general. These can occur before or during a menstrual period. Some of the symptoms disappear when the period starts but for some, the symptoms continue to rage and cause extreme discomfort to the extent that the person cannot even move without pain.

Interestingly, many ladies notice lessening of symptoms post childbirth.

There are minor and major problems related to menstruation. The common problems are listed below.

Premenstrual problem

Craving for food
Lack of sleep
Sore breast

These symptoms are usually mild except for some rare cases. If it is too much of a problem, consulting a gynecologist would be better so that you get professional help and advice.

Heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding is not a common occurrence. There are several reasons and they are:

Infections in vagina
Underactive thyroid gland
Cervix inflammation
Tumor in uterus which is non-cancerous
Sudden changes in exercise or food

Please note that if you have the tendency to bleed heavily during a menstrual period, abstain from exercise and heavyduty work if possible. There are foods promoted by the holistic care which help to relieve such discomforts. Ayurved has several medicines for menstruation related problems and these do work as certified by women across the globe.

Why is a period absent?

Some experience an absent period and this could be because of :

Cyst in ovary
Weight loss or gain
Cutting short of birth control methods
Inflammation of pelvis
Failure of ovary

Pregnancy is the most common cause of missing periods. It is very easy to test if you are pregnant or not by using the drugstore pregnancy kit. After you get a positive result, you can go in for a clinical check up to confirm the result. In case you are not pregnant and are suffering from other symptoms that are causing discomfort, please consult a doctor to diagnose the cause.

Why the pain during or before the period?

The uterus contracts when the period starts and this gives rise to pain. Some experience too much of pain. This is known as dysmenorrhea which is often linked to:

Inflammation of pelvis – pelvic inflammatory illness
Growth of tissue outside uterus
Diagnostic tests to determine menstrual problems
Pelvic examination
Pregnancy test
Ultrasound scan

Treatments are recommended after the diagnosis based on the cause and symptom. It is very important to consult the doctor instead of buying over the counter painkillers and doing self-medication.

Please refrain from using medicines which are sold in the name of offers or deals because it could be near expiry date or even banned. Please purchase medicines which are prescribed by the doctor.


Visit @air-clinic on Steemit or on their discord channel for 24 hr consultation. It is managed by an eminent panel of doctors and medical staff along with lots of health enthusiasts as well.



A major reason of irritation and headache !

yeah true

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