Somatization, Dominance of the mind over the body.

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of steemit, this time I am going to mention an important issue such as somatization, an important issue with so much stress that is experienced today that end up causing a social, emotional, psychological imbalance.

Somatization is a set of physical symptoms that produce discomfort and that can not be explained medically from a body review. That is to say, that where there is a somatization there are problems related to pain and discomfort to which a cause can not be found from a medical examination.


Due to the difficulties to find the origin of the problem, the attention of the diagnosis and treatments usually falls on the Somatic Nervous System, that is, the part of the nervous system that carries sensory information and serves as a channel for the electrical impulses that activate the musculature.

Somatizations are, therefore, difficult to explain if one wants to isolate in a laboratory the cause of all the physical and psychological complications that it produces, but it has been a long time since they began to study and document. For this reason it is normal that for a time they were associated with what in psychoanalysis was known as hysteria, and that even today it is believed in certain academic circles that somatizations are the consequence of certain psychological problems that struggle to leave the Unconscious.

Statistically, women are somewhat more likely to somatize than men, and normally this occurs for the first time during youth, before age 30.

Why does Somatization Disorder appear?


It seems that their origin is due to high degrees of anxiety, which can be caused by a high level of stress or emotional problems more or less important. These conditions also cause distress and incapacitate the person to function normally.

Although this disorder is primarily related to emotional regulation and not to the area of the body that has become the focus of attention of the subject, the symptoms are real and the person has no conscious control over them.

Es habitual en estos casos que la persona describa sus síntomas en términos imprecisos, pero dramáticos y muy emocionales. Suelen buscar ayuda u opinión de más de un especialista. Además, también se quejan de que los exámenes médicos no logran solucionar sus problemas.

Symptoms of Somatization Disorder


The symptoms that people suffering from somatization may suffer are as diverse as they are annoying and unpleasant.

-Back pain
-Joint pain
-Chest pain
-Irregular heartbeat
-Pain in arms or legs
-Pain in the vagina or penis during sexual intercourse
-Pain when urinating

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Sexual disorders
-Inability to maintain an erection (men)
-Irregular periods (women)
-Excessive menstrual bleeding (women)
-Menstrual pains (women)

Neurological symptoms
-Loss of balance
-Difficulty swallowing
-Loss of voice
-Inability to control the need to urinate
-Delusions or hallucinations
-Loss of touch
-Inability to feel pain
-Amnesia (loss of memory)
-Temporary blindness
-Temporary deafness

People are prone to somatize

There are certain personality traits and certain situations that make some people tend to have more somatization problems than others. Among them we can find:

-Personality traits determined as a high negative affectivity (people very prone to experiencing anxiety and personal dissatisfaction), self-centered and dependent on their social relationships.
-They tend to be very negative, pessimistic and tending to catastrophize.
-They occur more frequently in women, although they vary depending on the cultures.
-Somatization and stress usually go together.
-It can occur in people with low defenses because they may feel that they do not have control over their bodies and make them feel more vulnerable to getting sick or sick.
-Many cases of somatization have been observed in people suffering from a psychological disorder such as anxiety and / or depression.
-Frustration at having performed certain diagnostic tests and having used different treatments without finding an explanation for their problem.
-People are prone to somatize

How to stop somatizing problems?

Take a look back and think about how we feel and why we feel that way. Perhaps in this way we are able to see things from a perspective that helps us to "solve this conflict".

It is important to put words to what we feel in each moment. If we call each thing by its name, we will know what happens to us and indirectly it will help us to find ourselves better both physically and psychologically.

Say goodbye to negative emotions. Learn to stop thinking negative and to recognize negative emotions such as resentment or resentment. One of the best techniques to do it is with forgiveness. It is clear that sometimes forgiveness is complicated, but think that when you do it you will feel better about yourself, more liberated. Always remember that you control your emotions, not the other way around.

Avoid those situations that cause stress and discomfort. You have already recognized that stress affects your mood. Observe the situations that make you feel stressed and try to avoid them as much as you can. Whoever avoids the stone, avoids the stumble. Discover how stress affects our brain and the types and symptoms of stress.

Modify habits, change your lifestyle: If you know that certain things generate stress, avoid them. Try to go out more with your circle of friends, social support is very important. Physical exercise and contact with nature can be very helpful.

Unhook yourself and if you need to cry, cry: Sharing our problems and concerns with our closest people is highly recommended. Also, if you have the need to cry, do it. Do not repress your feelings. Crying has many psychological benefits.

Life is lived better with a positive attitude: Did you know that the evolution of any illness or adversity is influenced by the attitude we take? If we maintain a negative attitude and think that everything bad will happen to us, our chances of improvement will be reduced. Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude makes our heart rate is regulated and even makes us forget some problems and pains. Discover these tips to improve your self-esteem and remember ... "Healthy mind in healthy body".

Treatment of somatization


The psychological treatment always works within several areas (work, family, individual, couple, social ...) but we are always in contact and in treatment of three common levels.

Emotional and physical level: Importance of emotions in somatization disorders. Recognize them and know how to manage them. In psychological therapy we also tackle through physical relaxation the physical problems that are derived from some somatization; or through Mindfulness the acceptance that some pains (chronic diseases, for example) are going to be there, and therefore, work from acceptance. In addition, we have the help of the Qicenter team, where, if necessary, we can combine the treatment with Physiotherapy or Osteopathy, and also with Acupuncture treatment.

Cognitive level: We have to know what our mental schemes are. In case these hurt us, try to look for alternative thoughts that help us and do not harm us.

Behavioral level: That is, how we act in front of the problem, what is our reaction.

"The problems, the fears, and the difficulties have to be faced. It is the only way I know to solve them. The flight does not fit into the plans "

A natural way to help yourself in the treatment of somatization is to treat anxiety with the following infusions


  1. Valerian tea
    Valerian is a plant native to Europe and Asia and has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for various ailments. It is believed that valerian root has an impact on the availability of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain.

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the nervous system, and is responsible for inhibiting the activity of brain neurons. GABA promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.

2-Green Tea
Although green tea is a stimulant, some studies have shown that it is beneficial for anxiety. Mainly because it stimulates brain neurotransmitters that induce relaxation, thanks to L-theanine.

In addition, this substance helps stop the rising heart rate and blood pressure. A study conducted with humans showed that subjects more prone to anxiety were calmer when they took 200 milligrams of L-theanine.

3-Lemon balm
This herb has been used since the Middle Ages, since it is effective to treat sleep, nervousness and anxiety. It is a digestive infusion and originated in central Europe. However, in excess it can be counterproductive and cause more anxiety, so you have to take it in moderation.

La manzanilla es una infusión muy consumida que posee no solo propiedades beneficiosas para la digestión. Esta infusión contiene características ansiolíticas y ayuda a reducir el estrés, la ansiedad y el insomnio, al menos esto indica un estudio en el Centro Médico de la Universidad de Pensilvania, en Filadelfia

Also practice activities that allow you to relax body and mind


Physical exercise, yoga, walks through pleasant environments, meditation.

Friends let us take the problems with strength, faith and facing them in the best way, to avoid the anxiety that leads to many organic disorders

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