Don't Overlook Your Mental And Emotional Health (part 2)

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)

You find it hard to concentrate, you know you are anxious about something or even worried to its height, yet you sit back. You don't need help. You even find it difficult to initiate sleep, or once you sleep off, you are awake again in no time and have a fleet of thoughts competing for space in your head. That's still fine by you.

You indulge in daily activities that stress the hell out of you and you see your entire being yielding, but you told yourself "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me". You have Lost your appetite and eating has become a hard work.

You don't have interest in anything again, you easily get upset and even yell at slightest provocation. Yes you are extremely irritable now but that's still fine by you. DON'T OVERLOOK YOUR MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH TOO.


You know all is not well but so long it is not your physical health and you can still get off the bed you feel it's not time to seek for help and medical attention. You can deceive yourself for so long but unfortunately your body might not do same.

Your body develops adaptive response to this and when persistent, can manifest in psychological and functional imbalance or even wide range of symptoms as in the two cases in Episode 01 of Don't Overlook Your Mental And Emotional Health Too- Hypertension and Persistent Headache.

World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as:

State of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Unfortunately we deem ourselves unhealthy only in the presence of diseases or when we are physically ill . Our mental and emotional health is being neglected. Even when we know we are losing it. We talk about every other thing but that during our visits to hospital. Simply because we don't think it matters. Psychologists and counselors exist but are "useless" as long as we are concerned.

Source :

The Second Story

We reserved this story for today just to make our first episode readable. Sure you remember the woman with persistent headache. This is her story :

Mrs B was knocked down by a motorcycle while crossing the road.

When asked if she has any health problems before the accident. Her response came with such unfriendly tone - "I have been having headache, but that's not why I'm here and it's not your business. Just treat my wounds let me go". Then the husband opened up, she has been like this for some time now, and that's after she got herself involved in a loan.

She is a petty trader who also does subsistent farming with the husband, they have only a child. The family has been struggling to meet their daily needs, but they were fine and happy until she got a loan.

Her friend told her about a loan she got, to be paying weekly until she finishes paying back. She marveled at the opportunity, got hers, was thankful to her friend and happily went home without understanding the terms and conditions. Her happiness continued for the first few weeks as it was a time of relief to her family and a time to afford a tasty meal after a long time, and she was still able to make her weekly contributions. Her business also looked more flourishing as she also got more goods into it.

Her eye opener was when she couldn't pay a week and was to pay double for that, the next week plus the one for the current week. It continued till her business became a history and she couldn't make any contribution, she got arrested. The interest on the loan is as high as the loan and each time you missed your weekly payment, you pay double the next week - what she didn't know.

She started borrowing from family and friends to meet up. Her husband told her the loan and everything about it is strictly her business as he wasn't part of the idea. She is still paying the loan, the people she borrowed from are asking for their money and threatening her .

She rarely sleeps at night, she hides from people and now ashamed of coming out. She has been having persistent headache, has gone to hospital, has treated malaria and Typhoid, yet no relief. Then she has resorted to prayer house. It has to be people that are after her life.

Don't Overlook your Mental And Emotional Health Too. They are all important for your general wellbeing. Once you start having emotional challenges, come to a psychologist or counsellor in Air-Clinic. We have listening ears.

Live Healthy, Get Wealthy! 🏥♨💙

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