in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

Medication is a human behavior in which an individual uses a substance or any exogenous influence to self-administer treatment for physical or psychological ailments.

The most widely self-medicated substances are over-the-counter drugs used to treat common health issues at home, as well as dietary supplement.



However, self-medication is far from being a completely safe practice, in particular in the case of non-responsible self-medication. Potential risks of self-medication practices include:


Incorrect self-diagnosis
Delays in seeking medical advice when needed
Infrequent but severe adverse reactions
Dangerous drug interactions
Incorrect manner of administration
incorrect dosage
Incorrect choice of therapy
Masking of a severe disease and risk of dependence and abuse.

wow it was one Sunday morning. James was complaining of headache and cold before setting out for the morning Sunday service. We administer some drugs which we taught will be able to tackle the ailment.

It was of a great surprise when we returned back home from church to see James on the floor with barely any strength in him. I almost fainted myself, because James was a friend who came for visit.

We quickly rush him down to the nearest hospital for proper treatment. He was diagnosed of chronic fever. Doctor told us James sickness was severed and needs proper attention. The drug which we administer only worsen the situation of James.

James was admitted and treated in the proper way. After some few weeks James was back to his feet hale and sound. The Doctor later counsel us against self medication because it can endangered once life, if proper attention is not taken into consideration.

Word count :-283

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This is a problem that we also encounter in veterinary medicine. Pet owners that diagnose and medicate their pets with OTC medications usually create more problems than good.

hmm, yes and all thise have side effects

Self medication is of great danger to human. If you want to be a doctor then go and study medicine or pharmacy in sch

it is bad and not advisable

I don't use medication for almost a decade now.

wow, you have been living a life of ailments free

I stop taking and using processed and manufactured products.

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