Air-clinic contest; Drug abuse,a youth destiny killer.

in #air-clinic7 years ago

I want to appreciate every individual connected to air-clinic for every of your actions. The lecture on discord,your post on steemit and the weekly contest are just too awesome.

Like I always said, you participate in some contest not with the motive to get rewarded but to have a say on a given topic. Once again,i want to say thank you .

This week contest topic is one of those factors affecting our youth this days. Most of them cannot just do anything without the influence of drugs.
It is a pleasure to have a say in this topic, so here is my entry.

drug abuse,a youth destiny killer
The problem of drug abuse is very rampant in my country "Nigeria" . You see youth with promising future ruining their precious lives as a result of abuse of drugs. I could remember a lots of my friends dropping out of school as a result of abuse of drugs.

Naturally,all drugs are good,they are their to help us correct or overcome some abnormal functions of our system. But when people now started using such drugs abnormally, it could result into differs of problems.
Drug abuse has it root from the word abnormal use of drugs.
We have so many reasons why so many people are abusing the use of drugs.
Those reasons include but not limited to the following;

  1. Depression
  2. Addiction
  3. Peer influence
  4. Social media influence .etc

Let me tell you this through life story to back the impression that their is nothing good about steemit.
For security purpose, I will call the guy involved Victor.
Victor was born about 25years ago into a very rich family, his parents satisfied him with everything they could as a good parent. Being the only boy in the family, he was given special cares comparing to his sisters.
He get whatever he wanted, but this over caring from his parents is pushing him to thdme extent that he cannot be restricted on certain behavior again. He do whatever he likes, who dare to confront him?
One day his parents died in auto accident, that incident was too bitter to swallow, he suffered for years after the demise of his parents, but live must continue.
He wanted something that would help him to forget about his parents, and a friend introduced marijuana to him, so he started smoking, what smoking alone was not enough, he added acholic to it.
This habit so much ruined him that he was expelled from school.
To cut the long story short, he has ran mad walking nakedly round the street.

I'm not saying we should not care for our children, but it should not be to the extreme where we won't be able to cub them any longer.


believe me if i tell you that it is DEPRESSION. Depression kills youth faster and get them to try drugs so that they can get out from it, its from there they gets addicted and making wrong friends(peer pressure) add up to it, then Social Media finish it by seeing those smoking and using hard drugs (music artiste and co) living large, so he accept himself as himself.

Hmm, sure. The fact remain that's no drug can help one to overcome depression for it is a psychological problem,one only need to determine.
Thanks for stopping by

Personally i feel depression is just an excuse and not a concrete reason for drug abuse.
Most of these drugs gets you addicted and makes you a dependant to it. Lack of it brings more depression than you ever felt before.
So it's like figthing depression or a higher level of depression

Smile,thats just the point. If we can all have the end results of our actions at the back of our mind, we won't do most of the things we do. Thanks for stopping by.

This is a beautiful one dear, sincerely yours, all outlisted reasons above are so crucial and important. They all are interwoven and they work hand in hand with each other. As you actually sited the case of "Victor", he's upbring actually gave room for his late actions before depression sets in!
Lastly, I want us to know that many are out there who abused drugs on a daily basis without any sensible reasons. I pray they realize their wrong doings someday before its too late! Thanks man!

Amen, thanks for coming by, you actually have a point. Those that abusing drugs without knowing are much more that are deliberately using the drugs. It started with the overdose of ordinary paracetamol,people are abusing the use of this drug so much.

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