Implications Of Consuming Too Much Sugar

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)

We consume too much sugar daily, maybe from our tea or coffee, our snacks, our drinks and so on, but what is certain is that more than half of the human population consume sugar daily. I can bet, that you, reading this article right now have consumed sugar already☺.

If you observe the world's health statistics, you would notice that before the introduction of snacks, tea, drinks, and many more sweetened substances, that the rate of obesity, cancer, and many other diseases were much lower compared to now.


[Source: Pixabay]

Nowadays, sugar has become part of our daily life. As we can observe now, little children derive happiness and joy from the consumption of sweetened substances like sweets, ice creams, snacks, etc. The need to have the knowledge of implication of consuming too much sugar can not be over emphasized. Research studies have it that, sugar is one of the major cause of the numerous cancers we know today because sugar contains fructose which helps in cell division and which allows the growth and spread of cancer faster.


[Source: Flickr]

The essence of this article is to create awareness of the harmful impact of too much sugar. Without wasting any time, let's drive into the negative health implication of consuming too much sugar. Here are top four reasons why you should stop consuming too much sugar from today.

Sugar Increases Your Chances Of Having A Cardiovascular Diseases

Taking too much sugar actually increases your chances of having a cardiovascular disease such as heart attack which is the number one cause of death in the world. Studies have shown that, consuming too much sugar leads to obesity, inflammation, high triglyceride and atherosclerosis, all of which have direct relationship to causing heart attack. Reduce your level of sugar today to secure yourself from cardiovascular diseases.


[Source: Wikimedia Commons]

Sugar Increases Your Risks Of Diabetes

As we all know, the rate of diabetes is increasing in alarming manner. Even youths are beginning to become diabetic, is diabetes as common 50 years ago as now? The answer is a definite NO, and that's simply because all these sweetened substances such as fruit drinks, sweets, cakes, etc, weren't as common in those days as now. And as I said earlier on, diabetes leads to obesity and obesity is one key risk factor of diabetes. Prevent yourself from getting diabetes today by reducing your sugar intake.


[Source: Pixabay]

Sugar Increases Your Risk Of Cancer

When I was younger, the only cancer I knew of then was breast cancer and it has't even common. Today as I write this article, there are more than 10 different kinds of cancer and it is so super common now. Out of 10 elderly women, at least 3 had/have breast cancer. What we are eating nowadays is really telling on our general health. Funny enough, obesity is also a risk of cancer and sugary substances causes obesity.


[Source: Wikimedia Commons]

Sugar Accelerates Aging

Sugar actually accelerates aging. Don't you ever ask yourself why does old people who stay at the country/village region, eating natural foods and less sugar, look healthier and stronger than their age mate who are in the city. Although, there are many factors that causes that, but sugar is one of them. Sugar tends to affect our body composition, by affecting some proteins in our body which causes our skin to lose elasticity and therefore causes premature aging.


[Source: Wikimedia Commons]

Other Health Implication Of Consuming Too Much Sugar

  • Sugar causes tooth decay
  • Sugar affects cognition in children
  • Sugar increases our stress level
  • A high-sugar diet can lead to chromium deficiency
  • Sugar reduces our immune system

Stay Healthy, Reduce Your Intake Of Sugar Today

Till I Come Your Way Next Time, Stay Safe

All images used in this article are free source licensed under the Creative Commons and are liable for commercial use.

Posted from myAirClinic Healthcare App. Download Android Version from PLAYSTORE!


Well done @menoski to arise awareness about this very serious theme . Sugar is practically in every food or drink off-the-shelf and too many people consider it only natural! The usual reaction when you tell them that you don't want sugar in your diet is: "why not, you are not fat". It really is a modern plague!

hahahaha, that's true, it is a modern plague.

Thanks for coming around @fotostef

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I'm glad you found my article worthy enough to feature on the Stach Post Review Article.

Thanks for coming around @stach

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