AIR-CLINIC Writing Contest #12: Drug Abuse; A Youth Destiny Killer ("The Youth is the Hope of our Nation")

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)

AIR-CLINIC Writing Contest #12: Drug Abuse; A Youth Destiny Killer

"The Youth is the Hope of our Nation"


Drug addiction has been the cause of various crimes such as kidnapping, gang rape, mutilated dead body of a young girl, missing students, and other heinous crimes. The worst-case scenario for a person involved in drugs is death.

As what the Philippine National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal said, "The youth is the hope of our nation.", somehow contradicts to what is happening in the younger generation right now. A teenager has a sinusoidal emotion that highly affects their way of thinking. In that case, peer pressure and family problems can boost the amplitude of their negativity and lead them to take drugs which can temporarily heighten the amplitude of fake positivity.

By the time President Duterte became the Philippine President, the War On Drugs was pushed through. A chance was given to surrender and to rehabilitate themselves. But, a horror was given to those who opposed and remained to be a drug addict and a drug pusher.

As stated, this is the first huge step to minimize the crimes caused by the people involved in drugs. It is difficult but still possible. However, it's impossible to please everyone especially to those who earn big in the black market. A double-crossed scenario happened to avoid exposure of their identity. This somehow leads to a much bigger chaos.

The youth is the hope. And the hope is the youth. This responsibility lies in the four corners of the child's home. The upbringing of the child is on the hands and shoulders of the parents. An example of this is the brother of my grandmother who happened to be a drug addict with a spouse who is a pregnant addict. While the spouse was still pregnant, she always took drugs from their first child up to the second one. At an early age, the first child already inhaled drugs and up to this very moment, his mind is highly affected. The second child, the girl, suffered from convulsion in her infant to toddler days. They were taken away from their addict parents but the damage has been done.

Word Count: 349 words

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very true. your works are clear and tell the info in a very understandable manner. :)

I was really had a hard time compressing the sea of words floating on my mind to a max of 50 words only. Hehe.thank you for taking time to read my post. :)

good post@kneelyrac

Thank you! :)

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