#AIR-CLINIC writing contest 9: The young shall grow old and die.

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)


Forever young I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever

These words were running through his head as he listens to Jay-z's platinum selling single [young forever],coming from a very hectic day, working under the hot sun of Nigeria for most of the active hours of the day, but these were least of his worries, his greatest worry was “one day, I won't be able to do this anymore”

Youthful life is priceless, filled with energy, opportunities, discouragements and optimism amidst the strong tides of negativity, but the strong burst of energy flowing through the body system, and the rigid appearance at this stage of life is what no one wish to lose for any reason. The thought that many of our valuable body systems and organs will degenerate or become less functional is even the most terrifying.

Those first strands of grey hair are a sign of the inevitable, we're getting older and our bodies are changing, we may grow a little rounder around the waist line, or wake in the night, or feel a little stiffer in the morning.

healthy aging
At certain age, our complex body mechanism loses some of its regulatory functions, new cells hardly develops and the old ones degenerates, this results in numerous deficiencies in our sensory systems [loss of hearing, eye problems, memory loss], our skeletal and muscular system [decreased strength and stamina] and also our endocrine system [deficiency in production of hormones].
This however is a normal life process as the inability of these systems to halt it's activities physiologically could result in several disorders which includes tumour and subsequently cancer.
The final stage is the total cessation of the general body activities, the body at this stage completes it's cycle and death is inevitable.
It's however of great importance that we don't get scared of this life process, because just as the matter in our environment [water, carbon ]cycles, so also does life cycle; but this in no way suggests re-incarnation.

Word count:332
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This is a great write up that show cases a great writing talent and a great effort that is invested into producing this wonderful piece. You demystify the contest's topic the young shall grow old and die. I wish you @joelagbo goodluck in the contest.

@fastfingers loves you, steem on.
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