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RE: In Response to @Air-Clinic's Public Forum 2: "Doctors are Sweet, Nurses are the Opposite?!" | My Perspective of the Nursing Profession as a Student Nurse

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

Hello, I'm a nurse.

As much as I would like to deny it. There are some abusive doctors. So in behalf of the medicine community, I apologise.

Going back to the topic covered by this post, "Doctors are sweet, nurses are the opposite", there is an illusion to this belief, dare I say the statement itself.

Character transcend all professions and therefore should NEVER be pinned to one. Here's a nice clarification, there are countless doctors who are rude. But then again, there are also countless nurses who are rude. This is person specific and must not be tagged to an entire profession. (Sadly, it sometimes is.)

Going through this post, I could feel the passion you have for caring. I appreciate that and when you have that license and start to work, please don't lose that.

Doctors have legitimate reasons for getting angry when orders are not carried out and nurses have legitimate reasons for failing to carry it out. (Well, add sometimes to both sides again. :D)

The problem, as you pointed out, is the healthcare system we have in our country. So yes, can't really blame either side. (Please don't feel underappreciated, nursing is and never will be replaced by medicine, at least that's how it is in this current healthcare system.)

When I was a student nurse like you, I thought I was close to being a doctor. When I see this certain disease with this kind of lab results, I expected to order this kind of medication. I thought I just needed a little bit more studying and a license to be a doctor. My first week in med school was a truly humbling experience. Truly! With this being said, I do hope you follow doctor's orders because they have a lot, A LOT, of things in mind we nurses don't see because it wasn't tackled in school. I acknowledge that sometimes, nurses have a knack for identifying wrong orders. When this happens, please do not simply stare and ignore the order but rather bring it to the doctor's attention. We're talking about lives here.

Man, oh man am I rumbling on. I should just stop here. Let me leave this simple food for thought before I go. "Do you the think the current nursing and medical system is the problem or is it an individual problem?"

Keep pushing through your chosen profession and never forget why you chose it in the first place. Have a great day Sir!

P.S. - Where can I connect with air-clinic? It sounds like a wonderful community.


It really means a lot that you made such a long comment to state your point. Thanka for taking time to read and for guving such thoughful comments.

I presume you are in med school now? That's great! I wanted to be a nurse so I can be a doctor. But thinga are different now. I found more value in being a nurse as we are a dying profession. Not because of the number of graduates but vecause the essence of caring is slowly fading away. Before charts and medications and tasks, patients have to be first. I dont care if I dont chart well as long as I am ensuring the comfort of my patient. Gives me a sense of pride for being a professional (someday, fingers crossed lol)

I will continue to learn from experience and from doctors as well. I really appreciate dctors who ustify their orders or educate nurses as to the reason why this and that is given. Education is essential to create autonony much like health education is a thing for us nurses. Wll surely keep that passuon for learning alive

To answer your question, i believe there are a lot of things to change in the health care system. Not specifically in terms of individual corrections but collectively. I dont see why nurses are given the pay that ia due to them when we are saving lives as much as doctors. I juat dont want the low salary to be am excuse to commit errors. Coz mostly thats how it goes. If I have a high salary I would surely make use of my time and money to learn more and more and improve my care. I guess thats all im pointing at. Its more of administrative problems like the workload and salary that bothers me. If the salary here in PH increases I would surely consider not going abroad as most nurses do. Its a really cool job and i see myself as a nurse someday.

Thanks again for your warm comment. See you in @air-clinic. Glad you found your way in!

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