in #air-clinic6 years ago



Hello steemians today I’ll be talking about Tetratogenesis.

Tetratology is the study of the abnormalities of physiological development, functional, behavioral and metabody disorders affecting the physiological development of children(fetus). The word tetratology originates from a Greek word teras(teratos) meaning monster and logos(the study of).It is the study of abnormalities and malformation of some individuals from when they were embryo’s(fetuses).

The most critical periods of tetratogenesis are the pre-implantation, implantation to organogenesis and the fetal to neonatal stage. The outcomes associates with exposure during the periods vary. Now it is important to note the tetratogenic agents(ladies must beware of this during pregnancy), we have the environmental or generic tetratogenic agent based on their etiology and each of these category utilizes different path to logical processes that results in embryopathlogy.

This birth defect caused by tetratogenic agents are inherited or newly acquired generic abnormalities. The causes includes;

  • Gene abnormality.

  • Gene deficiency.

  • Chromosome rearrangement.

  • Reduced chromosome.

  • Excess chromosome.

Example of these birth defects are Trisomy 13,[21], Trisomy 21 is referred to as down syndrome(metal retardation), turner syndrome etc.

These factors are caused by our environment for example, chemical, infectious agents, physical condition on fetal exposure e.g


  • Nicotine(30% of pregnant women today smokes resulting in preterm delivery).

  • Ethanol(alcohol) fetal alcohol syndrome caused by chronic consumption of alcohol delay, maxillary hypoplasia etc.

  • Enalapril: used for treatment of hypertension also results in lungs hypoplasia.

  • Tetracycline: can cause discoloration of the teeth and depression of the skeletal bones.


  • Thalidomine : used for the treatment of influenza and promoted as a remedy for sleeplessness
    Side effect, limb deformities, deafness, and so many others.

  • Vitamin A(retinoic acid): is a potent tetratogen (deficiency of vitain A in pigs resulted in offspring boom with no eyeball.)

  • Bacterial: Syphilis

  • Parasite: Toxoplasmois and other agents that was not stated in this discussion.

Now with this brief explanation I believe I have created awareness for pregnant women/mothers to protect their unborn child and know the right administration of drugs during the stages of their pregnancies.


Is this for air-curie?

If it's worth it.

Wonderful information. Every expecting mother should read this and would-be fathers too

Yeah your right!

This is very informative. But, why do people still endanger their children with alcohol and smoking?

Because they feel it's relaxing not knowing its harmful

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