#AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST 9: Embracing Death Like An Eternal Gift From Above

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

Embracing Death Like An Eternal Gift From Above


During my orientation months as a trainee nurse in Iligan Medical Center Hospital, I was assigned to the emergency unit for a couple of days. And we had this client who was experiencing chest pain and shortness of breathing. And it seems like all of his systems were all deteriorating. After we were all done with our initial assessments and with some first aid treatments, we got him wheeled into his room and transferred him from the stretcher to his bed. And we were all amazed because he was eagerly doing all the transfer by himself. The client didn't say anything nor made any complaints. He just died peacefully after he modified his own pillow comfortably and laid his head down as he closed his eyes eventually. He just made himself the most complacent stuff before his life ended with no sign of grimace at all.

Our lives were all handly written by God. We all have our own jump-off point of eternity and whether we like it or not we must see to it that we may able to see the full story through that dark glass, the glass where every puzzle fit into its rightful places and all '' coincidences'' discloses its meaning.

Our lives began on the day when we were conceived through our mother and surely it will not end roughly as long as we embraced death like a gift from above, just like how our late client faced his own death. He faces it like he was starting a new chapter of eternity.

For our death does not talk about 'periods', our own death deals about 'commas'.


Word Count: 267 words

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A piece to learn from

im so happy you learn something from my blog! :)

According to our belief (Muslim), those who are doing good deeds in this world and following the religion properly will be granted death with no or less stress/punishment. Looks like your patient (may be) one of them.

I am hoping that when my time will come I can truly say to God/Allah that I did something good for him here on earth and I hope I did made him proud :)

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