AIR-CLINIC: Drug Abuse

in #air-clinic7 years ago


Drug abuse is a multi-national topic, its not a topic one can talk about without digging into many research in fact it cant be scruntinised into a 350 words lenght.

Many nations are having a very tough time trying to address this issue.
Back in my 100level days, we did a particular course called GNS102 its basically to do a research on different drug being abused in the country we were asked to do a very detailed research which we did and trust me it was a lot of work to do, it was challenging and very educative, i not only enjoy the course but i also made A in that course.

Drug Abuse has been in practice way back in the 70's while i was growing up i could remember one old woman lived on a particular drug called "TABA" as i grow in knowledge i discovered its actually called Tobacco plant with active ingredient Nicotine botanical name Nicotiana tabacum


With the above mentioned in view i can categorically argue that drug abuse was an inherited act pass down from generation to generation.
Our lives are moving faster than our forefather's were, often times drug abuse can be a behaviour picked up in school like many other bad behaviours, drug abuse is rampant among student, there might be many factors responsible for that, but am sure no matter what factor responsible, drug abuse is never the right thing to do, no two wrongs can make a right.

My favorite saying is this:

you dont sympathise with every insane person you see on the road side.

My reason is that some of these mad men/women actually lost sanity because of the drug they abused.

The two ways that the act of abusing drug crept into all society is:

  1. Through parents
  2. Through school and peer group

The two most abuse drugs in my country (Nigeria) is Tramadol and Codeine

Tramadol is so popular in Nigeria that the best street hip-hop artiste in Nigeria (Olamide) made use of the world Tramadol in his recently released track science student


  1. Tramadol to my understanding is used to treat chronic pain in patient or administered to a patient that is about to go through an operation, so that he or she can handle the pain of after operation, i stand to be corrected if am wrong.

Many Nigerian youth abuse this drug (Tramadol) in different ways, this are some of the feedback from mostly student when ask why they take Tramadol.

A university student said he uses it to read overnight because it doesn't make him sleeps at night, so he uses it often to prepare for test or exam, and that is where the abuse crept into him, now he can't do without the drug.
Another one said because he has phobia for crowd he uses it to gain confidence to talk to the whole class without having a shaky voice or mixed words, that is where his own abuse starts from.
A friend recently told me that he uses the drug whenever he wants to have sex, my jaw dropped when i heard this one, i asked him why he said it gives him extraordinary strength and also to last longer in bed with his lover.


  1. Codeine is an expectorant drug used to treat cough, i stand to be corrected if am wrong.
    I personally hate taking this drug anytime i have cough because i sleeps a lot after taking it.

I was surprised when youths buys expectorant and uses it as a way to get high, they says it gives this chilly feeling and drowsy makes you slow... I think when they use this drug they know it gonna make them feel sleepy but they won't sleep, that feeling of resisting the power of the expectorant makes them feel fulfilled and high.

The idea is laughable, this act is rampant among the so called big boys here in Nigeria, its very rare to attend a big boy party and not see a soft drink mostly blackcurrant mixed with codeine


They mix the whole drug with any available soft drink, its mainly mixed with coca-cola because of the color being black it will be very difficult if not keenly observed that the soft drink has been mixed with codeine
Now i don't share a soft drink with any of my distant friend because it just might have been plated with codeine or Tramadol

Tramadol readily dissolves in water and not too bitter, of it were for instance to be mixed with sprite soft drink you wouldn't detect it, you will only feel the effect after drinking it.
This method has been used to lure and rape many ladies, to the ladies do not drink an open soft drink or collect from that your trusted boy friend.

The consequences of drug abuse is that, you either die untimely or run mad because of the drug you are abusing has done to your body system.

You also grow old faster, over-working the human body (your body) will leads to fast ageing, watch out stop drug abuse.

My conclusion, No matter who we blame, drug abuse is dangerous, its a collective effort to enlighten the youth all over the world about the danger it poses to our generation


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