in #air-clinic7 years ago

If am being honest, they loved me first. It was December of 2017 and I had just joined steemit, a friend sent me an invite link to join the Air-Clinic discord server which I did. Prior to joining the server I had been experiencing tummy aches and discomfort for about two weeks but was to busy to see or talk to a doctor. I thought to my self, this is air-clinic and what more is it about than helping me in one way or another with my health problems. I interrupted the ongoing daily discussion to complain about my extended tummy aches and within a day I got a message from @nairadaddy who quizzed me on the symptoms of my ailment which I explained to which he explained my condition. I didn't que up in some line or pay exorbitant fees for this service.
I did feel better in the course of our session and told him I was doing okay. That willingness to be of help has kept me endeared to air-clinic to date.

For one who loves education and enlightenment, whats better than health related discussions on the daily discussion channel on the Air Clinic server. In all honesty I have learned so much from this discussions as it features experienced resource persons who take you through enlightening topics and sometimes trivial medical issues.

Weve come to the part I love so much, the ACWC, which means Air Clinic Writing Contest, for me this is special. Being a software developer, I have little to no knowledge by default on health related subjects. But every time I participate in the ACWC contest I learn a lot as a result of my research and for those few hours I find my self thinking like a doctor and even picking up health nuggets I still I apply in my daily life.

Its not all about health as the air-clinic discord server is a super fun place to be with a lot of great participants, sometimes I come on and I find my self laughing so hard. Today I stumbled on "the most embarrassing moment of your life" show on the daily discussion channel and laughed so hard am sure the neighbors thought I was crazy.
Laughter heals a lot of wounds.

This article would not be complete if I didn't talk about air clinics mission to decentralize health care through the block chain technology. Its vision of a world where every one has access to affordable health care. Reading the vision statement on the air clinic website, one can summarize it to mean that people will be rewarded for living healthy, trust me there is nothing like it anywhere.
A big shout out to @nairadaddy, @ejemai, @thelovejunkie and everyone who has put in one thing or the other to make AIR-CLINIC the big success that it is.

Want to be part of this amazing community, join us on the discord server

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