Prostate Cancer: It's Effect On Human Health And It's Preventive Measures.

in #air-clinic6 years ago

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Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate and it’s a small walnut-shaped gland in men which produces the seminal fluid that transports and nourishes the sperm. It’s one of the most common type of cancer in Men. It’s also the development of cancerous cells in the prostate, a gland in the reproductive system of the male. Most of the prostate cancer grows slowly, but, some grows relative quickly.
The cancer cells may spread from the prostate to other area of the body and particularly the bones and lymph nodes, which may initially causes no symptoms.
The Risk factor that increases the risk of prostate cancer includes: Older age, a family history of the disease [having a first-degree relative with the disease increases the risk], race, diet high in processed meat, red meat or diary products, and obesity.

Globally, prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer and it’s the fifth leading cause of cancer related deaths in men. A record in the year 2002 shows that it occurred in 1.1 million men and it also caused the death of 307,000 men. Prostate cancer is very common in men that are younger than 45 years of age, but becomes more common with advancing age.
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No single gene is responsible for prostate cancer genetically, but many different genes have been implicated e.g. genetic mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2, an important risk factors for ovarian cancer in women and it has also been implicated in prostate cancer.
Genetic background may contribute to the risk of having prostate cancer, as suggested by association with race, family, and some other specific gene variants. Men who have a first-degree relative, either the father or the brother diagonised of having prostate cancer have twice the risk of developing it and those with two first degree relatives affected, have a fivefold greater risk to men that have no family history when compared together.


Though it’s not still clear about what causes prostate cancer, but when cells of the prostate begins to divide more rapidly in an abnormal way due to the genetic mutations in the cell’s DNA, carcinoma of the prostate is formed as the growth of the abnormal cells will began to accumulate which can form a tumor that can grow to invade any of the tissues.


At an early stage, prostate cancer may not cause or show no sign of symptoms, but when advanced, it’s signs and symptoms are as follows:
Having a decreased force in the stream of urine.
Blood in semen.
Bone pain.
Erectile dysfunction.
Having trouble when urinating.
Having a discomfort in the pelvic area.


ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: This can result from prostate cancer or its treatment; including surgery, hormone treatment or radiation. Vacuum devices or medications that assist in achieving erection and surgery should be administered so as to treat erectile dysfunction.
URINARY INCONTINENCE: Treatment methods for prostate cancer and prostate cancer itself can cause urinary incontinence and it all depends on the kind of treatment, how severe it is and the likelihood of its improvement over time. Treatment options may include medications and surgery.
METASTARIZING OF THE PROSTATE CANCER: Prostate cancer can spread to other nearby organs such as the bladder, or passes through the bloodstream into the bones or other organs. Once prostate cancer has spread to the other parts or areas of the body, it will cause carcinoma of the affected parts and if detected early, it can still respond to treatments and be controlled.


1. SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THE INCREASED RISK OR CHANCES OF HAVING PROSTATE CANCER: Men with a high risk of having prostate cancer may consider medications or other treatments so as to reduce there risk and if concerned about there risk of having or developing prostate cancer, they should talk with there doctor.
2. CHOOSING AND EATING A HEALTHY DIET FULL OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Men are to avoid taking high-fat foods and instead, they are to focus on choosing a variety of fruits, whole grains and vegetables which contains vitamins and nutrients that can contribute to there health.
3. EXERCISING MOST DAYS OF THE WEEK: Men who exercises regularly will have a improve in there health generally and it will also help to maintain there weight and improve there mood. Evidence has showed it that men who don’t perform exercise have a higher PSA levels, while men who exercise may have a lower risk of having prostate cancer.
4. MAINTANING A HEALTHY WEIGHT: if your current weight is healthy, work to maintain that by exercising the more during most days of the week. Reduce the number of calories you eat each day and ask your doctor for help in creating a plan for healthy weight loss if you want to loose weight and to limit the chances of having prostate cancer.
Men are advised to always see there doctor from time to time for a medical check-up so as to know the state of there health as many men do not know that they have prostate cancer.

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Yes @dammyone, after reading your article, i am so afraid about Prostate cancer. I do not know you are a Doctor but you have presented an wonderful post. Than any other diseases Cancer is looking very dangerously one. No pain no suffer but it's a silent killer. Very thanks!
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