PULPITIS - Are you Suffering from Tooth pain??

in #air-clinic7 years ago


What is Pulpitis?

Pulpitis is the inflammation of DENTAL PULP TISSUE. The pulp contains the blood vessels the nerves and connective tissue inside a tooth.

What are the main Causes ?

Pulpitis is mainly caused by the following factors:

  1. Dental Caries , which gives rise to Tooth pain and decay.
  2. Traumatic Exposure - Especially during Cavity preparation , the exposure is enough to allow the entry of micro organisms and this leads to severe damage to the PULP.
  3. Fracture of the Crown - Fracture can either open the Pulp chamber or cause Dentin to be so thin that it also allows the entry of Bacteria.
  4. Thermal Effects - Over - rapid Cavity Cutting , especially deep cavities , can immediately cause damage to the PULP. Large UNLINED metal restoration can also cause continuous low grade thermal stimuli , again causing severe damage to the PULP over a longer period.
  5. Chemical Irritation - Restoration especially with synthetic porcelain if placed without a protective lining , can kill the Pulp .

Now let's take a look at the different types of Pulpitis!!

  1. Acute Pulpitis

Usually occurs in a Tooth with a large CARIOUS lesion or a restoration.

Even during early stages , when the inflammatory reaction involves only a portion of the Pulp, that area just beneath the CARIOUS lesion , relatively severe pain is elicited by thermal changes.

So you can imagine , how much Pain would be elicited , as more and more portions of the Pulp gets involved , the pain felt here is often described as a Lancination type. Continuous with intensity increasing as the patient lies down.

What causes this pain to exacerbate??

Applying HEAT can cause Acute exacerbation of pain. But this is not the case always , if necrosis of the Pulp has already taken place , then this SENSITIVITY is lost!

The patient with severe acute Pulpitis is

• Extremely Uncomfortable
• At least Mildly ill
• sometimes can be relieved with ice water
• Pain is usually reflected to a tooth in the
opposite jaw , the ear.


• Immediate Opening of the Pulp chamber inorder to relieve the Pressure. Severe pain stops after this procedure , then the Pulp can be covered with a sedative dressing for a day or two , before it has been given time to recover from congestion.

  1. Chronic Pulpitis

The Most prominent feature of Chronic Pulpitis is that , Pain is NOT one of the main features of it , usually the patient may complain of MILD , DULL ACHE , and it's very much different from acute because this is more INTERMITTENT than continuous and the reaction to Thermal change is very much reduced as in acute Pulpitis.

So what brings about this Dull pain???

By HOT or COLD stimulus or coming on spontaneously. SERIOUS involvement of the Pulp may be present in the absence of significant symptoms. Even if the case of chronic Pulpitis had wide open caries lessons combined with exposure of the Pulp to the oral environment . There is relatively little pain , sometimes BLEEDING may occur , but absence of Pain.


• Root Canal Treatement
• Extraction is required

That's it guys for Pulpitis !! Now if you haven't checked my last dental class please so check it out .
Here is the link!!


That seems very painful. We should take good care of our teeth!

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