H.I.I.T ( High intensity interval training )

in #air-clinic7 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm back with another post for you amazing people. This time it will be about H.I.I.T ( High intensity interval training ).


In this post I will brush-up on what's H.I.I.T. and how to perform/do it in a safe way, the amount of rest you need & benefits of H.I.I.T. .

SO what's H.I.I.T. ?


Got your attention didn't I 😎?


H.I.I.T. a.k.a ( High intensity interval training ) is a great way to lose a lot of weight in a short span of time like a 2-3 pounds in 2-3 weeks provided that you're "consistent" with your training regimen from day 1 to the end of those 2-3 weeks. [ Otherwise, 110gqI69qjVAkM.gif " I don't care if you get angry but that's what you'll be staring at if you don't commit to your training regimen ". Just not this exaggerated. I hope so. Just kidding. ]

It ( H.I.I.T ) involves performing a certain set of activities like sprinting, swimming, etc at a very rapid pace in intervals of 10-15 seconds along with a break of 10 seconds for a minimum of 5-10 mins. and max.20 mins( that's why it's called high-intensity-interval-training ). What I'm covering in this post is running.

Although, H.I.I.T. sounds wonderful for all KFC & McDonalds lovers it's very important to remember that you SHOULD NOT attempt it after a drought i.e. lack of exercise/training for a period of 2-3 weeks or months because the very nature of this exercise is very taxing on the body, especially, the heart. So don't think that you will eat dozens of burgers and then begin H.I.I.T and look like this : l3vR2Xp2tXZZPCeI0.gif

Because that isn't how this works.

You need to begin with jogging for 5-10mins every alternate day for a month. Then start jogging for 20-30 mins every alternate day for an another month. Along with body-weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, etc and shoes like Nike, adidas, etc or if you have a lot of money then ASICS is good as well. Then after all of that begin H.I.I.T. and act like this in front of girls
l3vR2Xp2tXZZPCeI0.gif Lol. Nooooo. Don't do that I'm just kidding. But if you do do it then "fair warning" I'm not responsible for the consequences of your actions.

Now I know you guys must be thinking that this is an awfully long time to wait for beginning H.I.I.T.

But this is an extremely safe way in my opinion to start because the body will be reallllllllllllllly used to running and then you won't have a lot of injuries ( still remember to warm-up and cool-down before and after your workout. You need it like you need to breathe and play call of duty MW3. I didn't like the other games that much ). This way you will have maximum results and minimum injuries provided that you train, eat and rest properly both during and after your workouts.

However, this is just my opinion and you can take it or drop it into the garbage bin from yesterday's post.

explainer video of H.I.I.T
Feel free to check it out.

Remember to come back as well because there's more to this than meets the eye.

Amount of rest needed for seeing results:-


So, as I mentioned earlier you need to rest for a minimum of 10 seconds between each rep during your workout and you need to rest for an entire day that's no training for an entire day.
hVYVYZZBgF50k.gif .

You need to do this otherwise my friend #overtraining will be visiting you soon and I bet you don't want to see him. Lol. Also, remember to perform this exercise every ALTERNATE day along with body-weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, etc. Don't forget an entire day of rest as well I know you won't. You'll most likely forget to train/exercise but you won't forget your day off. Lol. Also, remember to include intermittent fasting as well with this but the duration should be 6-7 hour gaps between meals (don't exceed this limit unless ....) and remember to eat 3 proper meals a day i.e. a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and essential gaya i.e. amino acids, vitamins and minerals. A certified nutrionist can help you with this.

Moving forward......

Finally, what you all have been waiting for ( besides wanting to not read this marvelous post any further and doing something else. Lol. You know me I'm joking. But seriously if you can't even commit to reading this post. I wish you all the best with your workout. Pun intended ).

Benefits of H.I.I.T. :-

1). Good for your cardiovascular health i.e. "A healthier heart, a healthier you ".

2). Good for your Instagram dp with six pack abs. That's if you incorporate ab exercises ( I/we will take that some other day. I know you guys are bored and tired after such a monster of a post ).

3). Being healthy makes you feel like a rockstar. So by all means go for it ( i.e. becoming fit ). Also, feeling like a rockstar is good for your productivity levels.

4). You can perform it without equipment. The only expense is good quality shoes over here. But it's worth it.

5). It may help you build muscle like awesome looking leg muscles. But I'm not so sure about other parts of the body. So please use your own descretion and research over here.

So with that I'm wrapping up this post.GlrmAJy7VaBoY.gif


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Lolx. This is good bro. Keep training them steemians...to be strong...


100% upv by Dr. George


This is well thought out and well written. Although I'm not going to attempt it at the moment, it's sound advice and I love your humor.

Thank you mam. Glad you liked it.

You are welcome.

This is super awesome - beautiful work, creativity @amarbir
and thank you for community contribution.

Your Welcome bro.

Awesome!! Haha that cat is so cute

Thank you for the comment. Your Welcome I put it there just for you to say that. Lol.

One more thing about H.I.I.T is that you're body needs to reach a VO2 max ( It's a measurment of the max. level of oxygen that you're body can use or rather spend ) level of 80 to 100% during training to reap the results of your training. I currently don't know how to calculate it but what I do is gradually raise the intensity of my workouts from 20-25% for warmups to 75-80 to 100% later on. Hope this helps you.

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