Top 6 Causes of Hair Loss (Alopecia)

in #air-clinic6 years ago

Hair loss or thinning is an occurrence that happens to both genders. However, while it is more common in men due to male pattern baldness, it is much more demoralising when it happens to women as the hair is seen as a her glory.

There are also very common reasons why hair loss happens with commonest being a lack of or an inadequate intake of the right vitamins. There are also cases where you are likely to lose your hair as a result of an underlying health condition.

If you notice you are starting to experienc hair loss in small patches or with several strands falling off at once

Here are Six Possible Reasons that Could Serve as the Cause

1. Physical Stress
Any kind of physical stress causes some minor to major damage in the body, especially if it is prolonged. One of such damages is the temporary loss of hair known as telogen effluvium.

This stress causes some major shock to your hair cycle, causing it to fall off before it should.

2. Too Much Vitamin A
While vitamin A is important for good eyesight, a good immune system, and as protection from certain cancer types, take in too much and it will have the negative effect of thinning your hair.

However, the good news is that this effect is temporary and reverses itself when you stop the excess vitamin A intake.

3. Not Taking Enough Protein
Your body needs protein to function optimally. This class of food is also vital for healthy hair growth.

However, take in an insufficient dose and your system rations the one it gets. One of the ways it does this to to stop the natural flow of protein to your hair follicles, making it brittle and prone to thinning and breakage.

4. Chemotherapy
Drugs used during chemotherapy cause severe hair loss among other such severe side effects.

However, hair usually grows back gradually and completely once the treatment is stopped or completed.

5. Pregnancy-Related Hair Loss
During pregnancy, women have a surge in hormones that rage within. While these hormones are likely to make them feel sick, especially during the first three months, they also protect the hair and keep these strands from shedding.

Sadly, some women go on to lose this hair within one to six months after delivering as these hormones go back to normal and the hair cycle also returns to it's original state.

This hair loss stage is usually temporary though and stops within six months of starting.

6. Hereditary
You're also likely to experience hair thinning or loss if women or men in your family have this issue.

This is termed male pattern baldness or female-pattern hair loss in women and usually begins at a certain age range.

For men, the baldness starts with the hairline receding while in women, it begins with light to noticeable thinning patches around the scalp.

Another difference between male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss is that while the former can and does respond to treatment, it can't be reversed or stopped and hair thinning usually follow through until baldness is reached.

For women however, the hair loss can be treated and in most cases reversed using treatments like minoxidil, iron supplements, and androgen receptor–blocking drugs like spironolactone.

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