#Daily Health Talk: HOW TO IMPROVE LIBIDO NATURALLY! by Dr. George

in #air-clinic6 years ago

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

So yesterday we had an awesome time discussing the above topic. Everyone was excited to the maximum. You know how people always go whenever the topic of sex is raised. You know why? Its an area that is least explored (with the societal forbidden fruit mentality towards it) so everyone ceases the opportunity to say their repressed minds.


In attendance were;

Dr. George ( @nairadaddy) - ANCHOR
@Xpency etcz


Let's get into the topic intoto


Libido, colloquially known as sex drive, is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity.

  • So in essence your libido is just your desire for sexual activity


Sex drive is influenced by biological, psychological and social factors.

  • Biologically, the sex hormones and associated neurotransmitters that act upon the nucleus accumbens (primarily testosterone and dopamine, respectively) regulate libido in humans.
  • Social factors, such as work and family, and
  • Internal psychological factors, such as personality and stress, can affect libido.
  • Sex drive can also be affected by medical conditions, medications, lifestyle and relationship issues, and age (e.g., puberty).

A person who has extremely frequent or a suddenly increased sex drive may be experiencing hypersexuality, while the opposite condition is hyposexuality.

  • A person may have a desire for sex, but not have the opportunity to act on that desire, or may on personal, moral or religious reasons refrain from acting on the urge. Psychologically, a person's urge can be repressed.



  • A good sleep is a prerequisite for a good libido. You feel refreshed and ready to-go!
  • This is also the reason why many people enjoy EARLY MORNING SEX simply because you have has a cool sleep the night before.
  • Also men wake up with an EARLY MORNING ERECTION which is a test of viability of the male sexual organ.


  • When you train your body, you also train your sexual organs.
  • Evolutionary, men with bulging muscles are perceived to be fitter than others without.
  • Exercises also help a man last longer with endurance.
  • A woman also needs her flat tummy, curvy hips ...which all enhance sexuality and make her feel more libidinous.


  • Chocolate is a well-known aphrodisiac for many women. Its effect may be psychological or via the increase in sugar and cortisol but it does work.
  • Nuts does work for the men. Peanuts, cashew nuts, etcz
  • Fruits like Banana and vegetables like Water melon are also good.
  • A glass of red wine is also good for both sexes


  • Confident people perform better than people with low self-esteem.
  • Also Libido is more likely when you are happy and positive than sad and moody.
  • So stay positive, happy and most of all LOVE!


  • When you have kept your privates cleanly washed and free from STDS, your libido will be maximum
  • Shaving (skin or low cut) also increases the chances of a better experience and desire


  • Drunkeness, Cigarette smoking, Illicit Drugs, STDS, Dirtiness, Negativity, Moodiness etcz.

With these, we believe we have started you all on the path of GOOD LIBIDO!!!

Have fun and do play safe!

  • Cheers!!!



Learnt a lot, thanks for sharing

wow i missed this, what was i doing? I love topics like this because as you said, its the least explored and people really dont like talking about it.

Hey @sistem,
you should keep a date with us everyday by 5:30pm. Never miss daily discussions because alot happen during those sessions. Cheers!

wow, you guys were amazing, I really missed it, but in the process where someone has high libido but due to some reasons like religious he can't express his/herself, what is the adverse effect of that to the body and what's your advice to the person?

Hey @mikechrist,
everyone is entitled to their individual beliefs about abstinence. Its not unhealthy to abstain. It may even save him/her from STDs. Cheers!

ok, thanks, I get it now

I still remember number 5 in the group 😂😂😂

Hey @peterakpan,
Lols. Cleanliness is next to Libidoness...

“A woman also needs her flat tummy, curvy hips ...which all enhance sexuality and make her feel more libidinous.”

I know a lot of women who would disagree with this statement. From my own personal experience, the most raunchiest and salacious lovers I’ve had don’t fit this description.

I’d like to know where you got this particular idea from?

Hey @peterloupelis,
A woman's libido is related to her feelings of self-worth. Research has shown that many women associate self-esteem with their body image. So it stands to reason that the "better" her body image as percived by her, the more she would love to expose her body to her lover. A woman who is ashamed of her body will never be in the mood for sex.

You can carry out further research on your own.



Yes, I agree.

You did not say anything about body image, instead wrote:

“woman also needs her flat tummy,”

Who specifically needs her to have a flat tummy?

It is anatomically normal for women to have a curve to abdomen, as it has to to with the shape of the wider hips.

I invite you to consider the possibility that when we make that statement instead of “not being happy with their body image” it perpetuates a culture of body-image problems that those women experience.

The problem of low libido in women is linked with self-esteem around how men will view her body shape.

As physicians who hold influence it’s important to be clear .... a woman with low libido and low self-esteem may interpret that section in your post and immediately started dieting in a way that may be inappropriate (also a factor in my experience, but linked to the low self-esteem) or spiralled downwards into further low self-esteem.

Thank you for this statement I agree, as a woman it took me years to be happy with my body because it had curves and matured early so I was always trying to hide it to not draw attention to it. Teaching women and girls to know and love their bodies and why they are built the way they are will go along way to increasing their feelings of self worth and thus increasing their libido.

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