AIDS Man made ? sharing is caring

in #aids6 years ago

I will not take credit for this!! but I must share this because Boyd Graves links been shut down
because of the truth!! People need to see this!
I know a lot on this subject.
I am not trying to steal other peoples work but just want to share. Please understand it is still helpful.
Awareness is key and since we cannot see what is written anymore I just want to share.

We just want the truth right?

Dedicated to the late and great Dr. Boyd Ed Graves and his decades of HIV/AIDS research and the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Program. The heroic judicial activism of International Human Rights Activist and HIV/AIDS Advocate, Dr. Boyd E. Graves has pioneered how to effectively treat and dismantle the HIV/AIDS problem in America and around the world. These resource archives include primary source documentation provided here free or by donation; in order to help better educate the world on the factual information and tragic realities of the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program (1962-1978) and the evidence of the laboratory birth of HIV/AIDS.

AIDS research foundation

HIV Patented Cure US PAT 5676977

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
December 6, 2000

In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. The record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatsky of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute. On August 21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the Black Population.

The 1971 AIDS flowchart coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the "research logic" identified in the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971) of the Special Virus program of the United States of America. We today, challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find.

"The 1971 flowchart makes it perfectly clear, the design, intent and purpose of the U.S. Special Virus program. As Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS says, 'The HIV/AIDS virus is the result of many steps in the laboratory, it was no accident.' The 1971 flowchart provides absolute evidence of the United States' intent to kill its own citizens and others... We are greater than any federal virus program. We are the human race!"
Dr. Boyd E. Graves Sept. 28, 2002

Tetrasilver Tetraoxide AG4O4 is a total-specturm virucide which instantly electrocutes all virus in host organism.
Ag4O4 cannot itself be patented nor owned by any one company or person.
Tetrasilver Tetraoxde is 100% NON-TOXIC to humans.
Anybody can make and use Tetrasilve Tetraoxide Ag4O4.
TSTO Ag4O4 is an ionic molecular compound known as an EJM, electron jumping molecule.
When introduced into a host organis, Ag4O4 is activated by Oxygen and Nitorgen in the blood stream - causing the ionic compound to seek balance, becoming covalent by releaseing the 'extra' electron thus creating a minute electrical charge which instantly electrocutes the HIV/AIDS virus and all viruses.
Albert Einstien College of Medicine's the late Dr. Marvin Antleman, famed inventor, author and rabbi is credited as a pioneer in HIV/AIDS science with his patented "Method of Curing AIDS with Tetrasilver Tetraoxide;" US Patent #5676977. Prior to his death in 2014, Dr. Antleman promoted the use of 200 miligrams of Tetrasilve Tetraoxide for curing HIV/AIDS at both his Rhode Island clinic and by donating at least six doses to AIDS ravaged Africa. Boyd Ed Graves travelled to Africa in 2007 with 70 doses of Tetrasilver Tetraoxide curing 70 terminally ill AIDS patients in Lusaka, Zambia. One year later, 63 had survived with full recovery and seven of the 70 had expired - though cause of death was not determined.
Boyd Ed Graves, became both the first American and African American to be cured of HIV/AIDS using Tetrasilver Tetraoxide in the method outline in his patent, US Patent #5676977, "Method of curing AIDS with Tetrasilver Tetraoxide." Before his 2009 assassination, Dr. Graves' infectious disease doctors at San Diego Veterans' Hospital officially released Graves from HIV care after three years of intense follow-up care in 2004.
For nearly fifteen years, Kansas based publisher, activist and founder of the National Organization for the Advancement of Humanity (NOAH), Joel Bales, has continuiously petitioned both individual medical doctors, policy makers and the medical establishment to recommend (or at the very least offer) TSTO as a first option for both newly diagnosed and long term survivors of HIV/AIDS.
"Realizing Tetrasilver Tetraoxide is a total-spectrum virucide that is completely non-toxic, can be produced and used by anybody and cost pennies on the dollar - it makes no sense why TSTO has not been celebrated and utilized world-wide," Bales said. "In 2002 Graves said the cure was being 'withheld for political reasons,' meanwhile people are dying and suffering under daily doses of toxic anti-retrovirals. It's 2016, H1N1, HPV, HIV, Syphilis and other human disease are still ravaging our populations. It is time people must be informed about the cure and have ability to access it."
In the spirit of forgiveness Bales is posting for free download open source information on the formula that anybody can make Tetrasilver Tetraoxide in their kitchen with basic equipment; including third party anecdotal information, photos of patients utilizing the Tetrasilve treatment and Antleman's research all for free download on Boyd Ed Graves' web site, .The information is presented as open source free information to be shared and is NOT intended to diagnose or cure any disease. The information is not a substitute for qualified medical advice.
For those persons unable or unwilling to create their own Tetrasilver Tetraoxide the NOAH organization offers 200 milligram quantitites of Tetrasilver Tetraoxide for $100 USD via mail order. The $100 cost for the product includes enough revenue to help Mr. Bales' organization to donate doses of Tetrasilver Tetraoxide in a 1-to-1 ratio to sick persons in Zambia, Angola and other African countries ravaged by the HIV/AIDs weapon. "The world war with the AIDS weapon continues to rage. Only truth and knowledge will defeat it." - Boyd Ed Graves, 2002

Each One, Reach One, Teach one


More information from the people I trust

Great info on AIDS FROM "Silver Ozone Lady" AIDS IS A Virus, it is a man made creation, It had Clinical Trials in April 2007 in Africa
Did AIDS exist prior to 1983
State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.

In 1988 the Committee to Restore the Constitution documented the gene splicing work done at Ft. Detrick, Maryland (now NIH) uncovered by Dr. Theodore Steckler. By splicing sheep visna virus and bovine leukemia with human tissue they created a retro virus we now call AIDS. A retro virus is a virus that mutates, AIDS mutates very rapidly, from one host to the next.
The World Health Organization (a United Nations organization) vaccinated people in Haiti, Brazil, & Central Africa with smallpox vaccine that contained AIDS. Drs. Robert Gallo & Luc Montagnier put out the CIA cover story about a green monkey biting a native on the rear starting AIDS. AIDS does not exist naturally in any animal. The green monkey’ s kidney is used to cultivate the smallpox vaccine. This monkey would have had to be a jet pilot to have started this disease in three countries at the same time.
On May 11,1987 the front page of the London Times reported “smallpox vaccine triggers AIDS virus” WHO (the World Health Organization) murdered Africa, they immunized the people with its new weapon, AIDS. WHO conducted the most intense immunization program in it’s history against small pox and on the tail end of this program to eradicate small pox they used this new weapon, vaccinating millions with AIDS. The figures of vaccinations with AIDS in Africa are as follows; 36,878,000 Zaire; 19,060,000 Zambia; 14,972,000 Tanzania; 11,616,000 Uganda; 8,118,000 Malawai; 3,382,000 Ruanda; 3,274,000 Buruni. 14,000 Haitians on United Nations secondment in Central Africa prior to their return to Haiti. Let us not forget the WHO executive Board for 1980 Chairman: Dr. A.M. Abdulhadi (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Vice Chairmen: Dr. Dora Galego Pimentel (Cuba) Dr. Shwe Tin (Burma) Professor I. Dogramaci (Turkey) Rapporteurs Dr. Adeline W. Patterson (Jamaica) Dr. D. Barakamfitiye (Burundi).
AIDS was then injected into the US, in New York about two Years later in Hepatitis B vaccine. Due to regular of the occurrence of hepatitis B in the homosexual community because of sodomy, they lined up for their shots and spread it in America.
In 1994 Bryan Elison and Co-author Dr. Peter Duesberg of the University of California had their book “ Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS” censored, bought out and banned by elements within the US government. Because these AIDS researchers uncovered yet another lie. HIV does not cause AIDS! There are over 5000 case studies of people with full blown AIDS that never had HIV. HIV is like other harmless viruses after your body produces antibodies that kill it, it can be found in your limp glands (dead). Now here is the truth about HIV. If left alone it does nothing, but when diagnosed the medical community recommends ( at the recommendation of CDC) treatment with the “AIDS cocktail”. This cocktail contains a toxic failed cancer chemotherapy AZT. Which causes anemia, bone marrow loss, muscle wasting, virtually destroying your immune system and mimicking AIDS and killing you.

Thanks for sharing my friend! This information NEEDS to be on the blockchain. The horrible thing is that these punks also make tons of money with their depopulation agenda. And no one notices...


My new shirt ;)

So sorry, my upvotes are currently zero value...but you get a 🙂

All good
Mine low also

Aids was accidentally introduced to the population when the vaccine makers introduced a new bread of monkey.

sharing again
source I cannot find, I have so many notes lol

1981 – First AIDS cases confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, speculations that AIDS may have been introduced via Hepatitis B vaccine.


Vaccine Production, Allergies and Harmful Ingredients-
Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.
First, pathogenic (disease-causing) viruses will not grow on healthy "soil" (the medium). If the environment is correct within our body, the virulent viruses and disease-causing germs will not grow. For example, hepatitis virus does not grow on a side-walk, nor in a healthy person. To make the vaccine, the manufacturers have to get the virus from somewhere, so they get them from persons with hepatitis. Makes sense. [The first hepatitis vaccines (of the 70s) were grown from the blood of the gay community, since they had high levels of hepatitis.] Today, they are much more "sophisticated", they just gather up bodily excrements from persons with hepatitis and culture the virus. Which excrements?
... Use your imagination: urine, blood, feces, pus and other excrements. In vaccine production anything goes. (How about cadaver organs and blood of persons who died of hepatitis?)
Once the virus is gathered, it must be grown on a toxic medium ... remember pathogens will not grow on healthy tissue. The medium used is generally animal organs and tissues combined with the proper culture medium and "nutrients". BHK (baby hamster kidney) cells, monkey kidneys, HeLa cells (cancer cells from Henrietta Lacks), aborted fetal tissues (used in the rubella vaccine called RA 27/3) and other animal organs are used in vaccine production. [Remember it is the foreign animal genetic materials which make vaccines so dangerous.] Once the virus has been grown, it is inactivated with formaldehyde (a potent carcinogen) or other agent. Other substances (adjuvants) may be added to the vaccines, like mercury (thimerisal), phenol, aluminum, antibiotics, and other ingredients which promote the vaccine’s effectiveness. All these substances are unnatural, synthetic, and immune suppressing, and some are even carcinogenic. (In which they don't test for). The production of vaccine ‘lymph’ has been the main function of producing vaccines in the laboratory. Viruses don’t grow well in healthy individuals and toxic (un-healthy) cultures must be used. For example, mice bred to get cancer don’t get cancer unless they are fed a nutrient deficient diet. Now that means that we don’t have to get cancer either, as long as we eat a good nutritious diet.
Therefore, first viruses are grown in toxic culture medium, which supports there activity and allows their grown and metabolism. Most pathogens live under anaerobic (toxic) conditions (absence of oxygen) and would die in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, as one builds health, develops good nutrition and exercise (breathing), more oxygen is delivered to the tissues and pathogens cannot grow there. This is what we mean when we say it is the "soil" which is important to our health. "The terrain is everything", Pasteur conceded on his death bed. Yet vaccine production includes many un-natural and toxic ingredients, which we would never knowingly put into our body. Naturopathic principles (and common sense) do not include the injection of viruses grown on toxic animal tissues.
Vaccinations are biological agents made from the filth of the earth, from diseased organs and sick animals and people. These toxins are injected in a person in order to increase their antibodies against that disease and produce immunity. Yet, scientist have very little understanding of what immunity is and what makes a strong immune system. Nutrition is key in any immune enhancing program, but they ignore nutrition (herbs/vitamins/foods) in favor of profitable injections. Vaccines do more to "sensitize" than to "immunize" for they contain many toxic ingredients which cause sensitizing reactions, like allergies and anaphylaxis. As you read this think about the sensitizing effects of those toxic (foreign) substances present in vaccines. Mercury has been cited as causing auto-immune conditions and increases the ANA titre (used to diagnose Lupus). Allergy/anaphylaxis is merely severe sensitization to the materials present in vaccines. All vaccines depress the immune system and contain harmful and toxic ingredients which may cause allergic or sensitizing reactions. But how can depressing the immune system create immunity to disease? We are fooled if we think that it can. Vaccines Prevent Heath!
Allergies have been said to be related to the larger protein molecules circulating within our blood stream, and vaccinations place large (foreign) sized protein molecules with in the blood stream. During the process of digestion these protein molecules are broken down so that circulating immune complexes are not a problem. Leaky gut syndrome is linked to allergies because it allows the gut to pass large protein molecules into the blood stream. These are then filtered out by the lymph-nodes and may cause problems there such as lymphadenitis. Clogged lymphatics cannot support the cellular immune system composed of the white blood cells and lymph. Therefore, allergies compromise the immune system and reduce immunity. The lymph also carries nutrients to the tissues and is the transportation medium for fats in our body. Every cell needs high quality fats, which should come from unprocessed foods and natural sources.

Aids was handy for the zionist eugenics agenda, but they have many other handy tools! Vaccinations, 5G networks, FUD - they are damn good at screwing people up...

Crazy to see on steemit what people are really rewarded for saying .

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