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RE: Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter

in #ai7 years ago

If we look at violence historically, we see we are at extreme lows of violence. Violence has been dropping steadily throughout history. This is not immediately obvious because the media hysterically concentrates on smaller and smaller amounts of violence. So it seems to be increasing, when in fact, it is steadily dropping.


by violence I also include the destruction of Nature, dangers of vaccines, GMOs, geoengineering... all silent killers... did you know that the Coltan war has killed almost 7 million africans already (coltan is a mineral needed for all electronics?) That 100s of 1000s are dying a slow death in the mega e-waste dumpsters of the world.. sex slave trade and child trafficking is skyrocketing worldwide, 32billion yearly.. this is all violence to me. Did you know that doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in america (wrong diagnostics/treatments) and that now studies have proven that chemo is as dangerous as cancer... not to mention organ trafficking that is more lucrative than the drug trade, 100s of 1000s of people are killed for their organs?

If governments invest in AI weapons, they will use their inventions at some point. .. unless people wake up and fast!

please visit my website, the library and you will have a good overview of the astounding suffering levels worldwide

do the news speak of the 17millions of yemenis currently starving because of arm deal agreements between saudi arabia and the west? But more interestingly why so many arms for the arab kingdom? because WW3 is coming with Iran, china and russia. Simple.

How do you destroy nature? What about the benefits of vaccines? What about the life giving advantages of GMO crops that are allowing billions of human beings to be alive right now? Wars are horrible, I agree. But deaths by warfare is dropping historically. Even including the communist genocides of the 2oth century, death rates are down compared to ancient times. Slave trade is illegal in most of the world and is miniscule compared to past centuries. Healthcare is a clusterfuck, I agree, but still lightyears ahead of previous centuries. So even using your expanded definition, violence is down draamatically.

many studies have proven that GMOs alter the DNA, make people sick... obesity cancer and diabetes, heart and kidneys diseases skyrocketing...

can you imagine the violence caused by drug prohibition for example?

By warfare? I do include economic warfare too. And the global debt bomb is very real. Your argument doesnt take into account the whole picture and what is ahead of us... this is a threshold of sufferings.

You terribly lack real data ... Corporate atrocities against nature may ultimately destroy human civilization

You and I do not read same data and if you think that everything is better overall than a century ago, like many people you are in for a shock.

Medicine light years ahead?
Nine Out of 10 Americans Tested Positive for Monsanto's Cancer-Linked Weedkiller Glyphosate | Argentina: The Country That Monsanto Poisoned | Virtually everyone in Europe contaminated with glyphosate pesticides | San Francisco Lab Launches New Era of Glyphosate Testing in Food | Japanese Carcinogenic Neurotoxin Manufacturer Expanding Aspartame & MSG Sales in Unsuspecting African Nations | Brazil may soon refuse all GMO imports from the United States | Vaccines are contaminated with glyphosate | World Health Orgnisation cancer agency under fire for withholding 'carcinogenic glyphosate' documents | Exposing the toxicity of the common weedkiller, Atrazine | EPA Succumbs to Pressure From Monsanto, Delays Glyphosate Cancer Review | 85% of the Food We Eat Has Pesticide Residues | Is glyphosate the new Zyklon B for all of us? | MIT Scientist Explains Why Modern Wheat Is Causing So Many Health Problems | Monsanto suppresses information about dangers of RNA interference technology |

GMO is the altering of DNA. Any sources on those "many" studies, like peer reviewed papers? Yes, everyone must die. And if there are more people to die, deaths must increase. Yet lifespans are getting longer.

You can tack on anything you like to your definition of violence, the facts show we as a whole are becoming less violent and having more empathy, historically.

Civilizations and empires come and go, but humanity goes on.

so monsanto, for example, has to right to poison millions of human beings in the world? We can continue to destroy the amazon jungle without any consequence? There is nothing we can do if 7 million people (and counting) die for a mineral needed for our smart appliances, cells and plasma tvs? It is okay for governments to engage in 100s of billions worth of weapon trades worldwide and there is nothing we can do about it... etc.

if you disagree so much, then unfollow. I am not posting to justify my stance but for people who are seeking for a non mainstream approach and want to remain free and already have connected many dots, understand that psychopaths are ruling our lives.

do you know what smart dust is? Smart dust is a name given to extremely small computing particles, RFID chips , or other very small technologies.. please investigate and tell me why people are not told about it by the MSM?

here is a start, google up: How Smart Dust Could Spy On Your Brain - MIT Technology Review

I am saying that human beings are becoming less violent and more civilized. I am saying life is better for billions of people than it was for kings a few hundred years ago. You try to disconnect our society from technology and billions of people will die.

apathetic and complacent you mean, yes I agree... if you mean that is better to be a free range chicken than a serf, I disagree

I am not against technology. If you had dropped by my website, you'd know that I am a futurist but advocating for voluntaryism which is the opposite of centralization, what we have now. As for people more civilized, I am reading everywhere that the auto and housing bubbles are ready to pop... civilized because people can get food stamps and be completely dependent on the gov :)

Smart Dust Could Spy On Your Brain... and that does not worry you ???

Describe it how you will, but the facts remain that we are becoming less violent and have more empathy for our fellow human beings as we move through history.

And no, I worry zero percent about smart dust that could spy on my brain.

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