AI News: Stephen Hawking Used AI to Warn Us About AI

in #ai7 years ago

It is a tragic loss for the world in my opinion to have lost such a great mind. Stephen Hawking will be missed by many but he did leave us many words of wisdom in which we should never forget.

The late Stephen Hawking was a big public figure and often spoke about how humanity could possibly benefit from artificial intelligence.

In many cases he spoke about how he was worried it may be humanity's undoing and he may very well be right. Hawking made his worries clear when he proposed the high probability that thinking machines will most likely take charge one day. He even predicted many future developments in AI which were highly likely to occur and “could spell the end of the human race.”

However we look at the information presented and try to argue against many of his predictions there is still a dark cloud which seems to follow us and agree subconsciously when we think about these issues. The fear that he may be right.

Hawking’s relationship with AI was far more complex than this often-cited soundbite. The deep concerns he expressed were about superhuman AI, the point at which AI systems not only replicate human intelligence processes, but also keep expanding them, without our support–a stage that is at best decades away, if it ever happens at all. And yet Hawking’s very ability to communicate those fears, and all his other ideas, came to depend on basic AI technology.

The sort of ironic part of this issue is that in order to express his true concerns about the dangers of AI he needed to use AI to get the message across. There is clearly a bit of a paradox presented in this circumstance.

Sometimes his warnings can be taken out of context but I truly believe he was trying to get across the messages described in the statement below:

Hawking’s views on AI are somewhat less alarmist and more nuanced than he usually gets credit for. At their heart, they describe the need to understand and regulate emerging technologies. He repeatedly called for more research on the benefits and dangers of AI. And he believed that even non-superhuman AI systems could help eradicate war, poverty and disease.

Stephen Hawking’s experience with such a basic form of AI illustrates how non-superhuman AI can indeed change people’s lives for the better. Speech prediction helped him cope with a devastating neurological disease. Other AI-based systems are already helping prevent, fight, and lessen the burden of disease.

I feel that Stephen Hawking was an extraordinary man who managed to accomplish the unthinkable despite the fact of being one of the most disadvantaged people ever to live. It is hard not to say that this man is a hero, a testament to the human will and spirit, a genius and a much needed example of humanity's triumph over terrible circumstance. I felt that needed to be said and now I feel better as a result.

What do you guys think about Stephen Hawking's contributions to humanity? Do you feel his warnings about AI are justified? Are we indeed about to see superhuman AI systems coming online in our lifetimes?

Please share your thoughts below!


AI gave Stephen Hawking a voice—and he used it to warn us against AI - Quartz

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Warning about AI is same like governments are afraid of Cryptos and blockchain. Yes, when we see change , there are problems and concerns too but that is fine because that is the fun part. Musk and Hawkins have warned about AI but if we would only be able to reach there and if we do then I am hopeful along the way we will get some regulations or seeing governments jumping in.

In my opinion the last thing we need is governments doing much at all, as with most cutting edge technology the military is experimenting with AI, warfare will look very different soon and governments are salivating at the possibilities. AI could be a great thing, it probably will, but with governments and corporations involved it has the potential to go down a different path.

Yeah, that's very true.
You know what makes me woried sometimes what if US governmet or Trump says he is going to ban Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies. The thing is we have to rely on government a lot because they control almost everything .

That would be bad for the market but it won't kill crypto, there is a huge buzz around decentralisation at the moment because of all the FUD over the last few months. The value of decentralised exchanges is going to be realised sooner rather than later with Bitfinex and Binance announcing DEXs as hacks and threats from governments are present.

We do rely on the government way too much and all for things that the government shouldn't be relied upon, the market can take care of almost everything and the governments role should just be to watch over and make sure it all runs smoothly. But then there's corruption.

Hawkins fear of A.I is not really unfounded but that doesn't mean he is being an alarmist. What he fear is that A.I going out of human control which is a possibility as the technology advances. But, it's a worry that is far to the future, decades or even century from now. This gives us ample time to prevent it from happening. In other words he just want us to be prepare and not to be caught off guard like what we see in most sci-fi movies. Anyways, that's just my opinion. Have a nice day.

There is currently AI that can create AI that is better than the AI humans can create. The issue is less that if we can have an AI that is smarter than humans or not, There has been experiments with a Chinese AI where people talk to a human vs an AI and the AI was voted as being the human. The issue will arise when AI is hooked up to machinery and systems, there is no threat at present of AI taking over the manufacturing industries because there are still huge problems to overcome, but as AI integrates into our systems at some point it might decide to make some weird decisions.

Stephen Hawkings was such a unique man who was way way more intelligent than a normal human that's why he is considered the second most intelligent man on the planet after Einstein. His warnings about AI are still yet to be seen in the future.

Stephen hawking really helps me to love even more about the universe.

His views on AI are very unique, due to the fact that throughout his life, as his ALS worsened, technology was able to keep him relatively active and gave him abilities to communicate that were cutting edge. AI is always based on algorithms that make technology more and more precise in its intended task. What Hawking and others are (were) concerned with is whether any AI machine can so expertly inprove its algorithmic function that it is able to ‘invent’ a better way of performing the task. The danger is that this theoretical ‘invented’ functionality will potentially have unforeseen consequences that can be detrimental to humans. (Either purposely or accidentally)

I am familiar with the work of Stephen Hawking. He was an exceptional man with iron willpower and incredible intellect.
I believe that his warnings about the dangers of artful intelligence are more than justified. Ilon Mask expressed a similar opinion. Although there are many opposing opinions. For example, that artificial intelligence as such will not be formed in anything concrete. It will be everywhere (smart phones, TVs, computers, cars). This is a topic for much discussion.
It is unfortunate that the world has lost such a unique person as Stephen Hawking ..

Aliens and AI. I will miss his insight on the universe.

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