
Hi shayne, I'll field this one if you don't mind. Capitalism, as I understand it, is control of the means of production. This control wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't any coercion involved. The fact is though, the whole system is pretty well premised on every manner of coercion and unnecessary exploitation. In saying this I am in no way arguing for Marxism; an outdated failed philosophy, but capitalism, especially in its neoliberal version is unsustainable. The root of the problem, though, more than owning the means of production is the unsustainable economics of fiat currency. Fiat money has also been created via a pyramid scheme and is inherently 'anti-social'....I am arguing for socializing the creation of currency so everyone gets a base rate distributed​ to all at creation. This would take care of everyone's​ basic needs and the ​trick would be to educate humanity in ways which lead to as many as possible reaching​ their potential-- in healthy ways.....It's a complex idea which needs to overturn​ foundational assumptions about human nature more or less instantiated into humanity by cynical misanthropes...I am also not advocating against private property rights.

Hi peqnp, inflation is primarily associated with fiat currency. That is the issue which needs to be addressed first and foremost...I suggest, though, researching Steady State Economy....I certainly don't presume to know the answers...

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