If you feed your artificial intelligence racist data, your artificial intelligence will become a racist

in #ai7 years ago (edited)

AI in the justice system

In both USA and France, the AI technology have made its way into the justice system. For example in the USA, there's a artificial intelligence (AI) computer program, which assist judges with statistics such as how likely it is for the person on trial to commit new crimes in the future. The statistics are used by the judges when they sentence the person on trial.

AI can be of great benefit in such cases, as they are much better at taking into account a vast number of parameters when calculating trends and potential outcomes.

The AI learn like a human

AI works much like a traditional computer program, except that it can actually be taught kind of like a person. You feed the AI as much information as possible on for example historical crime data, and it can use this information to extract new insights.

Shit in, shit out

In the case of using AI in the justice system, there a serious pitfall the be aware of. Say you feed the AI historical crime data, and assume these crime data is based on racists sentencing. Then you actually train you AI to base its calculations on racist data, thus actually making it racist.

So it's uttermost important to make sure the data you train you AI with, are high quality data. As the saying goes:

Shit in, shit out.

Given that AI technologies will be the most disruptive class of technologies over the next 10 years, this issue need to be address by both technology companies as well as authorities.

image source


@protoken Well they will subjected to racism themselves. For they are different compared to the rest of us.

You're referring to the crime data?

I am referring to your post. They will be racist, Even if we shield them from racism. They would even say. Thanks for creating me now get out of my way.

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