AirBnB's Secret Weapon to Grow: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) [blockchain was mentioned on this video]

in #ai7 years ago (edited)

Youtube video by: Artificial Intelligence A.I.

I told my cousin 18 months ago that blockchain would be a disruptive to AirBnB.. But I see it this way AirBnb will only lose 20% to a decentralized driven App. After watching video I could not belive the guy saying blockchain is one the fears..

But usable AI is just around the corner and I am excited to be watching its development unfold right in front of me.



I'm am so focused on blockchain development, feeling fortunate I have the time to needed to watch as much youtube content on all the subject I love to follow..

The emerging technology of artificial intelligence, or AI, crosses several techniques simulating human cognitive processes. Existing since the 1960s, research has developed to the point of multiplying applications: autonomous cars, medical diagnostics, personal assistants, algorithmic finance, industrial robots, video games ... The explosion of the computing power of machines Has shifted AI, in the years 2010, from a classic of science fiction to a reality more and more close, become major scientific stake. Deep-learning, algorithms of neronal networks or quantum computers: as many hopes for transhumanists, fears for many high-tech personalities - including Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates or Elon Musk - who point to the ethical risks of An AI made too autonomous or conscious, and the fragile balance between benefits and risks on employment.

Thanks for the video, might take me a while to finish thou, tryna clean up :P

i think this weapon can be helpful ... nice post

Thanks for sharing this video my friend!

Video was long but worth it! Thanks!

Interesting video!

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