The Polymorphic AI Predictor

in #ai6 years ago (edited)


.. and The Paramount Crypto Spike:

Are you acquiescent, what's your best guess and do you see it coming?

Cryptocurrency has already proven itself! Taking mere code, then transforming a single block in to a myriad of possibilities. Presenting a penultimate decentralized network with an unchallenged point of security. Soaring to $20K+ highs, from $200.00 lows - dominating not only the media, but also the human psyche, where accessible.

So what's next? What does this unmeasured phenomena have in-store for the global Spectator? What is the gauge for the immediate future and where is all this going. I can categorically answer these questions with one simple phrase - “To the Moon!” Cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, is set to really launch; reaching heights never dreamed of! The summit of the forthcoming spike is set to blow both skeptics and doubters clean out of the water - leaving them holding a pile of Monopoly money. With the added bonus of yield returns in the negative, coupled by hyper-inflation.

In order to explain such bold claims, let me first present the ‘Do as I say, don’t do as I do!’ stance of the central banks and large financial institutions. MasterCard, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Accenture and Goldman Sachs have all spoken negatively regarding Bitcoin and the crypto currency decentralized revolution in the past; however, this financial groups have failed to publicly admit to their own commercial patenting objectives - whilst talking-down this global relevance. Detail of these patents can be found here.

It is clear, these organizations are not only slow on the uptick, but complicit in the talking-down of the crypto asset, for their own future benefits and gains. Moreover, blatantly seeking to profiteer on any and all future Hedge fund investment solely on their terms. “Patents pending”.

It is customary NOT to give a “when” and by “how much”, when making any financial market predictions; however, that was the heuristic of the analog age! With the onset of a new and bright decentralized future, it is easier to forecast possibilities / outcomes with more accuracy! Unfortunately, this is heavily dependent on estimating the end of the current legacy system.

Any Hedge Fund Manager worth their sort, should be keeping a close eye on both these charts - ergo, once the Yield Curve switches, large institutions will no longer be able to role over their interests at a gain. In addition, gauging the inflationary statistics; any investment yielding less than 3.00% - 3.10% will result in a loss! Holding assets solely in fiat, hard (property) assets and uncertain derivatives products, will only spell disaster! Leaving Hedge-Funds, mortgage markets, and even trust funds with only one clear choice (whether by design or by provenance).

So when will this happen!

Employing numerous search engines, websites and a variety of scientific forecasting applications, I was unable to immediate find a quick, easy to use and to comprehend predictive method of analysis; therefore, I thought constructing a basic ‘quick look’ tool, would be advantageous.

The Polymorphic AI Predictor:

Using P5.js, React.js and TensorFlow technology, I was able to rapidly develop a user-friendly (80’s reference!) application for all to use. Complete illustration and this and the interactive charts can be found here:

So how much is Bitcoin set to rise by?

It is hard to gauge precisely; however, a more conservative concept would be to review the entire market cap of the crypto sphere, which is set to expand to x5 the present levels! This figure is based solely on my research into the past US yield inversion of 2013/2014, where Crypto first increased substantially/monetarily. This is set to happen again, given a major global event - such as the out break of War ( a topic for my next article, gauging the necessary steel output of the US) !

Please rest assured, that these figures, concepts and forward governance policies are not news and are continually being revised and reviewed by the top Financial Professionals of this era. The only caveat is that this is being railroaded on their terms and to the beat of their drum, solely for their benefit and their industry and not the grass-roots investor.

This uninformed attempt to centralize a decentralized eco-sphere can only result in disaster, especially when cryptocurrency, greedily devised; does not have a limited supply and when large institutions are able to mint (counterfeit/quantitatively ease) coins at their leisure.

Please note that this article does not pertain to Financial Advice, as I adamantly believe that Cryptocurrency is not a financial asset, but merely programmable money “programmy”, and therefore only resides in the form of intellectual wealth - only truly valued by those able to expand upon its abstract state and decentralized requirement/necessity!

In the near future, I hope to build ever complex / meaningful AI predictive applications; therefore, if you have any suggestions, then please leave me a quick comment below!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62630.85
ETH 2463.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.61