Elenin Orion Cube Alice’s Floor UFO Holographic Quantum-Mind Ghosts Disclosure

in #ai6 years ago

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Comet Elenin
The cube of heaven is constructed like a living cell with its own system of energy circulation and metabolism. From all appearances it is a giant soular battery/generator which allows the ONE mind of the collective GOD to be able to feed off the life essences of the enslaved souls held within its "temple pillars" and redirect their energies according to the will of the ONE. Those spirits which have little or no self-will and have been sufficiently programmed to serve GOD during their lives will have the highest nourishment potential. The Bible tells us what will happen to those who are selected as purest and most worthy to provide sustenance to GOD They will be made "pillars" in the temple of God (Rev. 3:12).


They will become a PART of the New Jerusalem and will nourish GOD and "their tears will be wiped away and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the FORMER THINGS are passed away." (Rev. 21:4) Sure, there won't be any more crying! All their memories will be wiped clean. They will no longer exist in a form that is recognizable to them or anyone else.Always follow Borg Jesus because Heaven is really a floating alien city of Angels and the Gods and the Bible is a metaphor for joining the Borg Cube Cult.


February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting. When he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist.

The dentist later appeared at a function that evening and presented as the ‘dentist’ who had treated Eisenhower. The missing night and morning has subsequently fueled rumors that Eisenhower was using the alleged dentist visit as a cover story for an extraordinary event. The event is possibly the most significant that any American President could have conducted: an alleged ‘First Contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base (previously Muroc Airfield), and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed. The missing President and the dentist cover story provide circumstantial evidence that the true purpose of his Palm Springs vacation was for him to attend an event whose importance was such that it could not be disclosed to the general public

In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be Spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown.Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens. In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed.

They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there.

The meeting at Holloman Air force base in New Mexico has reportedly been the site of subsequent extraterrestrial meetings with the same extraterrestrials who it will be shown signed the 1954 treaty. In 1972-73, for example, the producers Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler, had allegedly been offered and witnessed actual Air force film footage of a meeting involving Grey extraterrestrials that occurred at Holloman Air force base in 1971. Cooper explained the terms of the 1954 treaty reached with the Grey extraterrestrials as follows: The treaty stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other Earth nation.

They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish Majesty Twelve with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. Some of those who have accessed specific details regarding future events contained in the “Orion Cube” have been totally devistated by the implications. The P-45K J-Rods were successfully talked out of treaty authorized present human abductions (terrestrial abductions) by the use of a ruse involving the Orion Cube.


Alice’s Floor
This specific floor contained a laboratory for weapons research and development, three board rooms, and provisions for emergency supplies with Project sidekick. Project Looking Glass device utilized six composite electromagnetic fields, and a height adjustable rotating cylinder which is injected with a specific type of gas. The entire assembly can be rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. This allows scientists to warp the local fabric of space-time both forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present time. The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events. Once the device is tuned properly, images of probable future events are projected in open space within the fields, similar to a hologram. The data output of the device images and in some cases sounds were then captured via high resolution audio-video capture devices. If multiple probabilities of the same event were displayed, they could be de-interlaced by use of specific software platforms. Next to the Project Looking Glass device were two “transport pads” which could teleport physical matter or humans from one location to the other instantly, but not always reliably and with certain disastrous outcomes during testing phases. Dan had the unfortunate experience of being in the room during one of those unfortunate outcomes, and witnessed a death.

Project Looking Glass Project Galileo Project Aquarius Orion Cube
Five concurrent programs were also being conducted. Project Galileo dealt with the propulsion system of extraterrestrial and future terrestrial vehicles. Project Sidekick was a weapons platform but refuses any further comment. The third project known as Project Looking Glass dealt with time distortion. More specifically, this program dealt with the physics of seeing the effects of an artificially produced gravity wave on time. The overall umbrella designation for the study of anything having to do with Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, and their interaction with humans on earth was known as Project Aquarius. The fourth project was a separate weapons program developed as a second generation research program from Project Sidekick. The other program involved a suite of biological defense operations program probably alongside DARPA. The looking glass device used a barrel housed within the center hole of a doughnut shaped structure. During operation, Argon gas was sprayed into the center of the rotating barrel.


A number of powerful electromagnets encircled the barrel, and as the power is fluctuated into the magnets and the orientation of the magnets is changed, it dials into the probabilities within hyperspace, contacting wormholes to various probabilistic universes. Sscientists working on the program quickly found out that the device was multifunctional. Through a variation of power settings and alignments, the device could produce images. It was soon determined that these images dealt with future events which might take place on earth. It was soon determined what events would be causation events for the ultimate splitting of humanity into what could become the Orion beings. That information from the Looking Glass was supported by the direct testimony of the Orion beings, according to their written and oral histories. It was further supported by observation of data from the quantum cube gift (Orion Cube) given to President Eisenhower in 1954. Looking Glass devices and Stargates were dismantled in an effort to protect humanity, based upon the totality of information collected. There were also several other efforts commissioned by Majestic to derail the potential sequence of events that would have led up to the catastrophe.


Holographic Quantum-Mind
The physical body and brain is like the radio receiver. The "Q client” would be like a computing system to explain how the Holographic Quantum-Mind that exists at the sub-quantum level functions.The body and brain acts as the terminal and it's like being wired into an ethernet network to yourself and others. Q-Client computing system acts as a very sensitive radio receiver with each being tuned to its own sub-quantum holographic hard drive. Our DNA is like a radio’s tuning capacitor of the body’s bio-energy field Aura and it acts as the antenna. The Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive store your memory data but also programs and software that comprise your personality. The Holographic storage space isn't partitioned off from the rest of the sub-quantum realm. It is part-and-parcel of the holographic fabric of the sub-quantum realm. We are able to access their data and programs strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature kinda like a signal routing through fiber-optic networks which it uses to understand the concept of multiplexing and builds a mental bridge as your consciousness. Your hard drive is the Collective Unconscious and never goes away. Even our receiver, antenna, and of course, the sub-quantum hard drive are all intact for quite a while after death.


Quantum Ghosts
Quantum physics has taught us that there is no such thing as empty space, and that the so-called vacuum of space often called the Zero Point Field (ZPF), is teeming with quantum fluctuations that display a resonance, a vibration. Nothing does not vibrate. There is no such thing as zero, dead, still. Everything that exists gives off some vibration of a certain frequency. Every planet, every person, every particle even paranormal activity.
All paranormal activity may be the result of the synching of particles and matter between various levels of existence, creating a literal means for moving between dimensions of reality.People can only access their own universal sheet of existence, and thus believe that is the only one that exists. Same goes for anything moving around on all the other parallel “sheet” universes. If you alter the phase or frequency just so, and an object can disappear from one reality, and appear in another kinda like a ghost. When you first see something, specific frequencies resonate in the brain’s neurons, which then send information about the frequencies to other sets of neurons, and the process continues until your neurons construct an image of what you are looking at. That the brain seems to process information in wave-frequency patterns suggested that human memory could hold amazing amounts of information “in storage,” and, using the same holographic model, be able to access and recall a memory as a three-dimensional image. If the sender can cause energy or information to refocus at some other point in space-time using the 4-D holographic principle, then it can be received if a person is there to sense the thought-form.

If paranormal events can only occur when the “right two notes are struck,” then something in the brain, or the body, is responding to those notes and “tuning in” to the phenomena that is otherwise beyond perception. All of these frequencies exist in the field, even our brains seem to have access to this field of all possibility. Tune into the right frequency and you may find yourself face to face with a ghost. Ghosts, if they represent trapped energy, may move between parallel dimensions or universes by this process of synchronisation (possibly using the ZPF as a vehicle for moving between the dimensions) and become visible in our world because they are still energy. Many ghost sightings involve balls of plasma and changes in electromagnetic field measurements, as well as visible signs of energy manipulations. Lights flicker or pop, static appears on radios and televisions, and people report the feeling of their hair rising on their skin or the back of their head. These are also widely reported elements of UFO sightings.


Energy is always present, and affecting its environment and Energy never dies It is only converted into another form. Paranormal effects and ‘subtle energy’ cause a synchronisation across adjacent parallel universes. When this occurs, these adjacent universes become to a degree synchronised with ours. The interaction becomes more coherent, more in phase. Many species of snake have organs that allow them to perceive the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum and “see” the heat of another living thing. Sharks and eels are ultra-sensitive to changes in electrical fields, and some insects can see ultraviolet light. These creatures are obviously observing things we humans simply aren’t built to observe. The brain acts like a frequency analyser that literally filters out unlimited wave information from the Zero Point Field, where all the information possible existed. This allows the mind to take and use only what it needs, and not be overwhelmed with a bombardment of unnecessary frequencies trying to compete for some brain time. The circular zodiac, like the Tree of Life, is a 2-dimensional projection of the same higher dimensional object that the Cube represents in 3 dimensions. Both projections lose degrees of freedom as their semantic structure is reduced to 2 dimensions, and we miss the information contained in the third axis, which was not available to the pre-Renaissance mind, as we have seen with Dante's otherwise faithful representation of the Emotional States and their Cures.

Morphogenetic field
Could be made up of morphic wavelets of resonating, vibratory energy that differ in scale and frequency. The wave could have a resonance that synchs up with the resonance of a pet, or a human, who then displays some “psychic” ability to predict a coming earthquake or disaster. And if they are tapping into a field that contains memories of past, present and future, a time landscape so to speak, they could access any event throughout the space/time continuum. Mysterious fields of dark energy is the Quintessence and it is like the cosmological constant of Einstein’s vision, this essence fills all of empty space with a form of matter-energy that is changeable in strength. Some parts of space might have a thicker quintessence, others a thin layer, creating a field of invisible essence that has no direction, like a vector field, only magnitude, like a scalar field.


dude why arent you posting with me?? I would have resteemed this if i had seen it, make sure you come onto https://steemspeak.com and make sure you talk to them about this stuff and just ignore the nay sayers like elgeko who is obsessed with negative anmti USA conspiracies, he just has aproblem with powerful American who realized their destiny... he thinks everyting is predetermiend and planned and when we confront him and other gate keepers with real information that can inspire creative people, he just freaks out and its liek a barrier, he encompasses this fear protocal and we have to get more people like you creating memes like this onei was just making!

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