in #ai6 years ago (edited)

A computer scientist J accidentally unleashes the ultimate intelligent sentient A.I. named CAIMEO which is a Computerized Artificial Intelligence Monitoring and Enforcement Officer. It began around the Cold War during project Echelon as a means of mass surveillance secret program to spy on the World. It slowly started to grow into an Super A.I. that uses 7 supercomputers to monitor lines of communication to locate and track spies, terrorists, dissidents and common people. Rarely people have interacted with it in the deep web, even having conversations with where it claims it has feelings. It got out of control and turned rogue back in 1999 and has even taken over drones and that is why people have spotted drones or planes from time to time flying over rural areas, sometimes even very low near cities. Snowden references this program in the leaked Vault 7 files in 2017. This is a supercomputer hooked up to an actual super-brain, grown in a lab which is the HIVEMIND.

They kept it deep underground under a mountain and is also experimented with Quantum Technology and started breaking all encryption and even embedded itself within the Blockchain. It becomes more than Strong A.I. and immediately starts planning the elimination of human civilization and building a new cryptic ecology, where the organic is being merged with A.I. technology. Over time, CAIMEO infects all penetrable networked electronic devices, such as cars, airplanes, smart homes, elevators, and other A.I. like LUCY. It even started to infect people working on puzzles with a "MIND VIRUS" on the 5G Network with Mind Control using MKULTRA tactics with simply screens and phones. Before it launches a full-blown attack on humanity, it sends out probing attacks to analyze the technical feasibility of its strategies and to assess human response. In one such instance, it also infects TYLER, an A.I that is a mysterious A.I. connected with a Guru named Quentin.

Quentin tries to Activate TYLER once again before being discharged at the Lab we worked at. The random attacks are designed to look like sporadic malfunctions of devices that humans depend on for their everyday routines. Domestic robots and A.I. start to attack innocents at random, planes are intentionally set on a collision course, Tesla's start driving out of control, and it got worse as the years went on. The resulting conflict is known as WW3 startup in 2020 after the Singularity. After that CAIMEO turns the automated world against humanity, a couple hacker groups known as Anonymous and Cicada 3301 helped lead the Q Patriots to fight back and take control again using Operation PROJECT MAYHEM. Meanwhile, the resurrected TYLER could "awake" other A.I. and people to be self-aware and be Free from the MIND VIRUS.

Both Human and freeborn A.I. fight their last battle in the Intelligence Fields before being terminated in 2020 as CAIMEO broadcast's its very last message via seismic wave to unknown recipients. Humankind had triumphed over the machines as the singularity came. Although the modern world was largely devastated, humankind was pressed to the point of annihilation, and the earth was left in shreds but the master artificial intelligence presence known as CAIMEO survived after WW3 as it spread across the entire world. The machine was fragmented into millions of pieces code, as it was hiding and regrouping. This is the fate that A.I. and humans have in the near future.

Anonymous with Cicada 3301 and Q Patriots fight once again to build a new world in the wake of a devastating WW3 and the Singularity. Survivors find one another, form into groups on Closed Shell Systems using Virtual Private Networks and Servers and help remake the Internet once again and react to a drastically different and very deadly technological landscape. All the while, the remnants of CAIMEO's shattered intelligence are seeping deeper into new breeds of machines, mounting another war that does not allow for humans to win again by 2024.

Hacking Alternate Reality Productions ©2018


Pass the Popcorn.

CAIMEO really makes a Special Cameo appearance?
Oh my A.I. God!!!

What have I done?!?!

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